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Adoption Stores presented by Royale


Adopted February 10, 2019 from

When we’re looking to adopt a pet, something we don’t automatically consider is whether they’ll love us right away too! Merle was looking to find that mutual connection about a year after losing her previous cat. She missed having that bond with a special feline in her life. Then, one day in February 2019 at …


Adopted January 21, 2019 from

Life has a habit of not always going to plan. When Sophia gained a newfound independence and started volunteering at the BC SPCA West Kootenay Community Animal Centre, she wasn’t expecting to invite a four-legged companion into her life so quickly—perhaps a cat, but certainly not a dog just yet. In late 2018, Louis, a …


Adopted February 12, 2012 from

While raising a kitten definitely has its appeal, adopting a senior cat has plenty of benefits. Senior cats have already developed their personality, so it is easier for an adopter to find a cat that matches their personality and lifestyle. They also know how to use scratching posts, are litter box trained and are usually …


Adopted September 4, 2018 from ,

Only several months old, Ava came to the BC SPCA Prince Rupert Branch in August 2018 requiring immediate veterinary care. She had porcupine quills in her snout and she needed to have her eye removed. Once her medical needs were addressed, we knew that Ava would make a delightful addition to her future family. To …

Sweet Heart

Adopted January 18, 2019 from

The purrfect cat can turn anyone into a cat lover, even despite almost a century of only loving dogs. Tami and her husband were determined to adopt a new cat into their family even after her elderly dog-loving mother moved in with them. Never having truly connected with a cat before, Tami was unsure how …


Adopted September 25, 2016 from

Whoever said cats cannot be trained? Patrick has shown that with patience, perseverance and understanding, it’s certainly possible to train a cat. Not only can they be taught tricks, but they can also be trained to enjoy being brushed, play, use the litter box and walk on leash. After building a bit of a reputation, …

Millie and Charlie

Adopted September 8, 2018 from

For many of us, our home feels more whole with four-legged family members as a part of it. When Chelsea and her partner Dustin bought their new home in Mill Bay in 2018, they were ready to share it. Dustin already knew he adored cats, and it didn’t take long to get Chelsea onboard, too. …


Adopted December 7, 2018 from

When we welcome cats into our lives, one thing becomes particularly clear—their personality. Just like humans, every animal has an individual character of their own. We just have to spend some time with them to discover their traits. In fact, it was Nero’s nature that caught Tara’s attention right from the moment she stepped into …

Peaches and Pebbles

Two cute kids with Guinea Pigs
Adopted July 11, 2018 from

Guinea pigs make incredible companions—not only are they affectionate, intelligent and playful, but they’re so much fun to be around. They also love to have piggy companions of their own, so we did not want to split up this bonded pair of pigs. One day in July 2018, a woman named Natashia visited the BC …

Snowball (aka Precious)

Adopted September 8, 2018 from

When we know it’s a match made to be, we’ll do what it takes to make that “purrfect” companion become a part of our lives. When Rebecca and her family were looking for a new cat to join them, they came across Snowball (then known as Precious) on the BC SPCA’s website. From reading her …