Adoption Stories Archive - Page 40 of 68 - BC SPCA
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Adoption Stores presented by Royale


Adopted June 3, 2019 from

On May 28, 2019, this sweet senior came into the care of the BC SPCA Victoria Branch when his owner could no longer care for him. At 14, Tyson had only known one home, so it was understandable that he seemed fearful in his new surroundings. In addition, he had severe dental issues and which …


Adopted January 22, 2019 from

On August 26, 2018, three kittens were born to a momma cat who was in the care of one of the wonderful foster guardians for the BC SPCA Victoria Branch. Each one different in colouring from the rest, the three were very healthy. Together with their mom, they remained in the care of foster families until …


Adopted June 4, 2019 from

In early 2019, Ian and Chantel were ready to welcome another canine companion into their life. They already had a sweet senior Great Dane at home and were certainly aware of the challenges that come with being responsible for a large-breed dog. In April, they met Callie at the BC SPCA Burnaby Branch. Ian and …


Adopted January 27, 2018 from

On January 16, 2018, a kind-hearted person brought three-month-old Nora to the BC SPCA Abbotsford Branch. Nora was a stray Dumbo rat who had been wandering around a shopping centre parking lot. Pretty, friendly little soul that she was, Nora was going to make an excellent companion for someone. But first she needed to be …

Boots & Jimmy

Adopted March 23, 2013 from

Bonded pairs are always adopted together because they depend on each other for play, affection and to feel safe in new environments. It is generally more difficult to find homes for bonded animals because most families are just looking to adopt one pet. Tammy had her eye on one cat at the BC SPCA Shuswap …


Jasper the cat
Adopted January 1, 2001 from

Adopting a pet means being prepared to take care of them for years and going through all the ups and downs in life together. Heather adopted Jasper from the BC SPCA North Cariboo District Branch in Prince George when she was attending university. Jasper was a kitten at that time and he’s turning 19-years-old in …


Pikachu the cockatiel
Adopted April 28, 2019 from

‘Pikachu, I choose you!’ This friendly two-year-old cockatiel with rosy cheeks didn’t have to wait long to find her forever home. She spent just five hours in SPCA care eating millet and enjoying gentle pats on the head from staff before Phyllis swooped in to adopt her. Phyllis had been frequently checking the SPCA website …


Adopted November 10, 2010 from

Adopting a pet is a lifelong commitment for our companion. As our pets grow older, there may be some new challenges that come with age. Laurie adopted Bohdi from the BC SPCA North Peace Branch back in 2010. He was just a puppy at the time—a dark, handsome and very frisky new playmate. As Bohdi …

Gunner Mason Comeau

Adopted February 28, 2019 from

When a dog has a tough upbringing, it takes a special adopter to welcome them into their home. Having been neglected in his previous home, Gunner understandably had some behavioural issues. However, we knew that with his charm, upbeat attitude and undeniably dashing looks, he would find his future guardians. After researching his situation and …


Adopted February 16, 2019 from

When introducing a new pet into our home, it’s vital to give them some time to adjust. This can feel discouraging at first, especially when we feel an instant connection with our new pet, but it is an essential part of them becoming comfortable in their new environment. For Lilianne, it had been a while …