AnimalKind - BC SPCA
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AnimalKind is the BC SPCA’s animal welfare accreditation and referral program for animal-related businesses.

Any company can call themselves humane, but how can you be sure?

We check to make sure companies follow a strict set of standards, and use the kindest, most humane methods. Accredited companies have earned the BC SPCA’s stamp of approval.

AnimalKind services

The AnimalKind program currently accredits pest control companies and dog training businesses. Standards for dog daycares and kennels are in development.

Find an AnimalKind accredited dog trainer or pest control company near you.

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About the accreditation

Each year, the BC SPCA gets hundreds of calls from dog owners looking for help finding a good trainer and from animal lovers looking for help for problems with wildlife. The BC SPCA saw the need to identify and recommend good companies. Our goal is to create a community of animal-related companies who use science-based practices and share animal welfare values.

Currently, the BC SPCA accredits dog training companies and pest control companies.

Many companies use words like “humane” and “friendly” as a marketing tool, but it’s hard to know who to trust. That’s why the BC SPCA audits AnimalKind member companies to confirm they are following our science-based, animal-friendly standards. We and our community partners can then confidently refer the public to accredited companies.


AnimalKind standards blend current research in animal welfare science with practical protocols, and have been developed in consultation with animal welfare scientists, veterinarians and industry groups.


AnimalKind is an accredited program owned and operated by the BC SPCA. Through a partnership with the UBC Animal Welfare Program, the development of AnimalKind was made possible by grant support from the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies. Grants from the Vancouver Foundation have also supported the development and operations of AnimalKind since 2016, matched by BC SPCA support. AnimalKind member companies also help to fund AnimalKind operations with their membership fees – we thank them for their commitment to animal-friendly practices!

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