Read the ​BC SPCA's Position Statements
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BC SPCA position statements

Our position statements represent evidence-based views of the Society on important animal issues. We use these statements to educate and raise awareness to improve the lives of all animals.

The BC SPCA acknowledges and recognizes the impacts colonization has had, and continues to have, on Indigenous peoples’ rights to practice their culture. We affirm that Indigenous people have the right to practice their culture as it relates to the use of animals, free of discrimination or interference as outlined in United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

As the BC SPCA reviews and updates position statements, we will reflect on the important relationship Indigenous peoples have with animals and consider the impact of our position statements on traditional practices. As an animal welfare organization, the BC SPCA’s position statements centre on preventing or reducing suffering under any animal use context.

Download a booklet that includes all of the BC SPCA’s position statements (PDF).

Companion animals

Companion Animal Welfare
Animal Fighting
Animal Training
Animals in Recreation, Sport and Entertainment
Animals in the Film and Television Industry
Animals used for Clothing, Fashion and Art
Cat Welfare
Companion Animal Confinement
Companion Animal Handling and Restraint
Companion Animal Overpopulation
Cosmetic and Other Non-Therapeutic Alterations
Dangerous Dogs and Public Safety
Dog Welfare
Equine Welfare
Feral Rabbits
Identification of Companion Animals
Responsible Companion Animal Sourcing
Selective Breeding of Companion Animals
Tethering of Dogs
Transporting Live Animals
Wild and Exotic Animals Kept as Pets
Wild-Domestic Animal Hybrids 

Farm animals

Farm Animal Welfare
Animal Fighting
Animals in Recreation, Sport and Entertainment
Animals in the Film and Television Industry
Animals Used for Clothing, Fashion and Art
Equine Welfare
Humane Killing


Wild Animal Welfare
Animals in Recreation, Sport and Entertainment
Animals in the Film and Television Industry
Animals Used for Clothing, Fashion and Art
Circuses and Traveling Exhibitions
Fish and Aquatic Invertebrate Welfare
Hunting, Trapping and Fishing
Live Feeding to Animals in Captivity
Marine Mammal Welfare
Nuisance Wildlife Management
Oil and Toxic Spills
Predator Control
Urban Deer
Wild and Exotic Animals in Zoos, Aquariums and Other Permanent Captivity
Wild and Exotic Animals Kept as Pets
Wild-Domestic Animal Hybrids 
Wildlife Feeding

Recreation and entertainment

Animals in Recreation, Sport and Entertainment
Animal Fighting
Animals in the Film and Television Industry
Animals Used for Clothing, Fashion and Art
Circuses and Traveling Exhibitions
Fish and Aquatic Invertebrate Welfare
Hunting, Trapping and Fishing

Research, teaching and testing

Animals in Schools
Animals Used in Research
Animals Used in Science
Animals Used in Testing
Use of Animals in Teaching

Big news! The BC SPCA is tackling the root causes of animal suffering with our 2025-2030 Strategic Plan.