BC SPCA Locations - BC SPCA
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BC SPCA Locations

About our locations

The BC SPCA provides services across the province to assist domestic, wild and farm animals including – community support through food bank and outreach programs, humane education programming and animal protection services. In addition, our Community Animal Centres are a cornerstone for safety net services, providing direct care and rehoming to the most vulnerable animals.

Community Animal Centres


Lower Mainland, Fraser Valley and Sunshine Coast Centres


Vancouver Island, Gulf Island and Powell River Centres


Thompson, Okanagan and Kootenay Centres


Cariboo and North Region Centres



BC SPCA Provincial Hub 

The BC SPCA runs many provincial programs such as animal protection investigations, Drives for Lives, the pet foodbank program, education and advocacy programs etc. Provincial Teams that coordinate these, or who support community services across the province, like our human resource and finance teams, are based out of our Provincial Hub in Vancouver.


Veterinary hospitals & spay/neuter clinics

Our hospitals and spay/neuter clinics provide a wide range of veterinary services to both adoptive guardians and the public. To learn more about the specific services available, please visit their websites.


Large animal recovery and adoption barns

Our barns care for and rehabilitate horses and farm animals rescued from abusive or neglectful situations, with adoption and fostering opportunities available.


Wild Animal Rehabilitation Centre (Wild ARC)  

BC SPCA Wild ARC, the only wildlife rehabilitation centre on southern Vancouver Island, is dedicated to caring for and treating thousands of wild animals throughout the year, providing essential care and medical attention every day.


Thrift Stores 

BC SPCA Thrift Stores are independently owned and operated, with a portion of the proceeds supporting the BC SPCA’s lifesaving work. Each store offers a selection of gently used items including housewares, clothing, furniture, books, and appliances. Find your nearest BC SPCA Thrift Store and contribute to our efforts to help animals in need.

Big news! The BC SPCA is tackling the root causes of animal suffering with our 2025-2030 Strategic Plan.