Mission, Vision and Charter
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Mission, Vision and Charter

The following are the founding principles of The British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (BC SPCA).


To protect and enhance the quality of life for domestic, farm and wild animals in British Columbia.

Vision statement

To inspire and mobilize society to create a world in which all animals enjoy as a minimum, five essential freedoms:

  1. Freedom from hunger and thirst
  2. Freedom from pain, injury, and disease
  3. Freedom from distress
  4. Freedom from discomfort
  5. Freedom to express behaviours that promote well-being.


Guiding principles

The following beliefs and principles guide our attitudes and actions.

Principled behaviour

We are open, honest and transparent in our relationships with our staff, volunteers, members, donors and the public. We treat each other and those we serve, including the animals, with integrity, respect and compassionate caring.


By forming partnerships and strategic alliances with those who share our vision, guiding principles and respect for animals, we can do more than any of us can do on our own. 


We exercise leadership in the protection and promotion of animal welfare by demonstrating courage, compassion, wisdom and advocacy. 


We honour the need to grow and learn, using an evidence-based approach to guide improvements and constantly evaluate the impact of our work. 


Animal welfare is not solely the responsibility of the BC SPCA.  It is also a matter of individual and community responsibility. We are committed to working with individuals and communities, through educational and other initiatives, to promote great responsibility for animal welfare.


We are accountable in order to deserve the trust of those we serve. We measure, track and report regularly on what we have achieved as well as on what we have not.


We strive to practice and promote the principle of sustainability in our operations and in facility development.


We recognize the rights and title of Indigenous Peoples, guided by the United Nations Declaration on the rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007)1 and the Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (2015)2. We commit to respectfully engage with Indigenous Peoples when our work concerns their interests.

BC SPCA Foundational Principles for Equity, Diversity, Reconciliation

The BC SPCA is committed to a future when diversity, equity, and reconciliation are meaningfully embedded in all aspects of its work and within the communities we serve. In our efforts to foster an environment of kindness, compassion and respect, we have a responsibility to stand up for those who are facing injustice and cruelty including people. Read the foundational principles by which the BC SPCA considers equity, diversity, and reconciliation (PDF) within our organization.

Photo credit: Tony Markle


Whereas, the world is inhabited by many species sharing a common ecosystem of air, earth and water. We recognize and value our interconnectedness with all animals.

Therefore, the BC Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is dedicated to protecting and enhancing the quality of life for the animals of the world we share.

We pledge our energies to inspire and mobilize society to create a world in which all animals, who depend on humans for their well-being, experience, as a minimum, five essential freedoms:

  1. Freedom from hunger and thirst
  2. Freedom from pain, injury and disease
  3. Freedom from distress
  4. Freedom from discomfort
  5. Freedom to express behaviours that promote well-being.
Wild orcas with dorsal fins out of water swimming on foggy day
Photo credit: Lynn Mathieson