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News Category: Community

BC SPCA funding helps groups address cat overpopulation in B.C. after COVID-19

February 18, 2021

In its ninth year, the BC SPCA Community Animal Spay Neuter grant continues to provide vital funding to groups throughout the province. The COVID-19 pandemic has been a set-back for those working to address cat overpopulation throughout British Columbia with challenges including spay neuter delays, travel restrictions, and reduced capacity in staff and volunteers. “Many …

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The BC SPCA is hoping you can help Bubbles the cat

bubbles the cat
February 17, 2021

The BC SPCA is hoping you can help Bubbles, the cat. The local stray was recently brought into the BC SPCA in North Peace by a Good Samaritan after he was found suffering from multiple injuries, most likely the result of an animal attack. The BC SPCA immediately took Bubbles for veterinary care. The worst of his injuries being a badly infected bite to …

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Salt Spring Island SPCA asks public help in understanding community cat issue

cats tnr
February 11, 2021

The BC SPCA is stepping up efforts to identify and tackle community cat colonies on Salt Spring Island.  Recently a local resident spotted a young kitten in their backyard and called the BC SPCA Salt Spring location for support. Upon arrival with a trap, the volunteer quickly spotted a few more cats roaming the neighbourhood. This …

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A ‘tail’ of compassion: Kaylah and Mia’s special bond

kaylah and mia
February 6, 2021

It was evident from the start that Kaylah Playford and her cat, Mia, shared a special bond. Playford first connected with Mia in 2016. At the time Mia was her next-door neighbour’s outdoor cat and Playford had tragically lost her third pregnancy. “Mia started coming over almost immediately after I returned home from the hospital,” …

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Victoria dog training recognized with BC SPCA’s AnimalKind accreditation

animal kind trainer kelsey
February 1, 2021

AnimalKind, the BC SPCA’s animal welfare accreditation and referral program, has granted accreditation to the Langford company, making it the third in the region. K9HQ Doggy Daycare Plus joins SmartDog Training & Consulting and Ethical Canine Training and Behaviour Modification, expanding the community of accredited humane dog trainers for Greater Victoria residents. AnimalKind provides a trusted resource to help dog guardians find a skilled dog trainer who can help build a healthy and positive relationship with their dog …

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BC SPCA food bank partnership in Prince Rupert helps remote communities in Haida Gwaii

A young kitten and older cat eat food together off a plate
January 6, 2021

The BC SPCA in Prince Rupert has partnered with the Greater Massett Food Bank to provide the food for those pet guardians in Haida Gwaii affected by the pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has been especially challenging for remote communities in British Columbia due to the inaccessibility of resources as well as a need to protect …

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How Remley the dog gives back to his community

remley the dog
January 1, 2021

You might call Remley, a dog-about-town. The border collie, who was adopted by Brian Borsoff and his wife, Shannon, in 2011 from the Burnaby SPCA, is a popular canine in his community. He quickly became the “face” of Borsoff’s autobody business shortly after his arrival. “Most people don’t come to see me. They always ask …

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Student donates shed to BC SPCA Surrey for food bank storage

December 23, 2020

The BC SPCA in Surrey is the proud recipient of a newly donated shed for food bank storage, thanks to grade 11 student, Aditi Kini. Kini received a $3000 grant through the Rising Youth program, an organization that supports community-driven initiatives. The only requirement of the grant was that the funds be allocated in a …

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Friends and family adopt a BC SPCA kennel in memory of Olivia Malcom

olivia malcolm walking dogs
December 11, 2020

In June 2018 Olivia Malcom was tragically killed in a car accident days before her 20th birthday. Determined not to let her kind and generous spirit be forgotten, 17 of Olivia’s closest friends came together to do something extra special to honour her memory and her love of dogs – they adopted a kennel at the Burnaby SPCA. Because of her deep …

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