August 26, 2024Every year wildfires devastate lives and communities in British Columbia, putting wildlife and humans at risk. Wild animals have developed strategies to fly, run or bury themselves to escape from fires, but the change in habitat and food resources will have a lasting impact for generations. What happens to wildlife during a wildfire? Most animals …
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News Category: Wildlife
July 31, 2024In North America, domestic cats injure or kill hundreds of millions of wild birds and mammals each year. But with a few simple changes, it’s possible for cats and birds to coexist! Did you know that even a small scratch from a cat will likely kill a bird? Cats have bacteria in their mouths that …
Continue reading “Beloved feline friend or bird-murderer? Coexistence with birds and cats”
News Category: Wildlife
July 27, 2024Is it bad to ride elephants in Thailand? Swim with the dolphins? Buy a shell necklace? Take photos with tigers? Drink civet cat coffee? Or generally attempt to get close to wildlife for a close-up view or photo? Experiences with wild, exotic or endangered animals seem exciting, but travellers can harm animals without even knowing …
Continue reading “Six ways to be a responsible wildlife tourist”
News Category: Take action, Wildlife
July 26, 2024Social media has made exotic animals more accessible than ever. Just search for “unusual pets” on TikTok or YouTube, and you will be inundated with videos of prairie dogs being walked outside on leashes, servals roughhousing with house cats and capybaras lounging on beds eating watermelon. Most people would never seriously consider keeping a prairie …
Continue reading “5 ways to help exotic animals right now”
News Category: Wildlife
July 25, 2024Feeding wildlife can seem like an enjoyable way to connect with nature, but it can often lead to serious problems for species like squirrels, raccoons, deer and bears. Even unintentional wildlife feeding can cause problems. Wild animals who get used to a hand-out will often take the easy route despite ample natural foods being available …
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News Category: Wildlife
June 5, 2024Coyotes can be found throughout most of B.C., and it is common to spot them in rural, suburban and even urban settings. Coyote sightings in the city are normal, even during the day. It can be surprising and sometimes unnerving to see them. Still, like many wild animals, coyotes are generally not interested in engaging …
Continue reading “What to do if you see a coyote”
News Category: Wildlife
May 27, 2024British Columbia is home to two species of otters – river otters and sea otters. Sea otters spend their lives in the ocean. They mate, sleep, groom, hunt, and give birth in the water. River otters are often confused for sea otters when they’re spotted in or near the ocean, but river otters are also …
Continue reading “Celebrate World Otter Day May 29 with these ‘otterly’ awesome otter facts”
News Category: Wildlife
May 24, 2024While our avian friends have some pretty impressive qualities in common – forget flying, try building a nest sturdy enough to hold tiny hatchlings without using your hands! – birds belonging to the group of aerial insectivores are particularly impressive. Birds like swallows, swifts, martins, and nighthawks have a diet that consists almost completely of …
Continue reading “Five ways to become a swallow steward this season”
News Category: Wildlife
May 24, 2024B.C. is home to just one species of native freshwater turtle, the western painted turtle. Unfortunately, these native pond turtles are at risk due to habitat loss, road mortality and competition with alien invaders. Do you know how to tell the difference between a wild turtle and an abandoned pet? Read on to learn how, …
Continue reading “Shell-ebrate and protect wild turtles in B.C.”
News Category: Wildlife
May 22, 2024The BC SPCA generally doesn’t recommend feeding wildlife – but what about bird feeders? Backyard bird feeding is the most widespread and popular form of human-wildlife interaction worldwide – but did you know that bird feeders are a common place for birds to get sick? Wild ARC commonly admits birds suffering from conjunctivitis – an …
Continue reading “Get the facts on backyard bird feeding”
News Category: Wildlife