November 3, 2024Winter is already a harsh season for wild animals, and we can unknowingly add to their troubles. Activities like snowmobiling, heliskiing, or even just skiing and snowboarding can disturb wildlife, forcing animals to search out new places to eat and rest at a critical time when they are already under stress. Outdoor activities Before you …
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News Category: Wildlife
November 2, 2024Winter is a tough season for wild animals. Deep snow and freezing temperatures make finding food and shelter a daily struggle. While wildlife has adapted to the changes brought on by the season, survival is still a challenge. So before you bundle up and head outside for that last mow and rake of the season, …
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News Category: Wildlife
November 2, 2024Natural food sources like insects and nectar-bearing flowering plants are in short supply in winter. Nectar feeders can provide a reliable food source for hummingbirds, but they’re a big commitment. If you commit to winter feeding, you must commit fully. Non-migratory hummingbirds may come to rely on this food source and will suffer if it …
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News Category: Wildlife
November 1, 2024The BC SPCA generally doesn’t recommend feeding wildlife – but what about bird feeders? Backyard bird feeding is the most widespread and popular form of human-wildlife interaction worldwide – but did you know that bird feeders are a common place for birds to get sick? Wild ARC commonly admits birds suffering from conjunctivitis – an …
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News Category: Wildlife
September 22, 2024With the transition to autumn comes dwindling daylight hours, which typically signals an increase in owl patients at the BC SPCA’s Wild Animal Rehabilitation Centre (Wild ARC). The higher number of these night-time hunters needing care showcases how dangerous this time of year can be for nocturnal wildlife. This is a very risky time for …
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News Category: Wildlife
September 13, 2024Have you spotted deer acting a little weird, and wondered what they were up to? The short answer is that the deer are stuck in a rut! Or rather, it’s rutting season. Mid-October to December is the annual mating or ‘rutting’ season for deer. During this time, male deer (bucks) become more interested in female …
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News Category: Wildlife
September 7, 2024Wild animals have a lot to worry about – from food, shelter and staying away from predators, to all kinds of human hazards. It’s not uncommon for wild animals to get stuck in things we throw away, or things that get left in their environment. There are a few common examples that the BC SPCA’s …
Continue reading “All tangled up – is your yard safe for wildlife?”
News Category: Wildlife
August 30, 2024You love and care for animals, and you also want a rodent-free home. This does not have to come at the expense of wildlife, the environment or put your pets at risk! The most effective and humane way to solve rodent problems is prevention. Prevention minimizes the use of harmful control methods like rodenticides and …
Continue reading “Rodent-proofing your home in 4 simple steps”
News Category: Wildlife
August 26, 2024Every year wildfires devastate lives and communities in British Columbia, putting wildlife and humans at risk. Wild animals have developed strategies to fly, run or bury themselves to escape from fires, but the change in habitat and food resources will have a lasting impact for generations. What happens to wildlife during a wildfire? Most animals …
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News Category: Wildlife
July 31, 2024In North America, domestic cats injure or kill hundreds of millions of wild birds and mammals each year. But with a few simple changes, it’s possible for cats and birds to coexist! Did you know that even a small scratch from a cat will likely kill a bird? Cats have bacteria in their mouths that …
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News Category: Wildlife