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News Category: Adoption

BC SPCA alumni becomes St. John Ambulance therapy dog

February 3, 2020

Audi is a big, friendly, four-and-a-half-year-old, 120lb therapy dog. He has always had a calm and gentle demeanour. “I always call him my gentle giant,” says his guardian, Selby Pellow. “Ever since he was a puppy, he’s always been sweet and kind.” Pellow thought he would make a perfect therapy dog and started the training …

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A happy new year ahead for 13 puppies adopted from the SPCA

December 30, 2019

The first months of life were difficult and painful for 13 Saint Bernard/Great Pyrenees puppies living on a property in northern B.C. Their owner was an aspiring breeder, who could not provide them with adequate food and shelter. The owner reached out to the North Peace SPCA for help and surrendered the puppies. The older …

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Scotty the survivor has found his purrfect home

November 12, 2019

Scotty the Scottish Fold came into care at the Burnaby SPCA in September suffering from life-threatening injuries. He had puncture wounds on his abdomen and the veterinary staff who treated him believe that he had been attacked by a raccoon. Scotty’s tail was disarticulated, separated at the joints, probably during his desperate struggle to escape …

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How one family fell head over tails in love with their new best friend

Seguin family
October 30, 2019

Maureen Seguin and her family had been visiting their local BC SPCA branch every week in hopes of finding the right pet for their busy household. That’s when staff told them about an upcoming event called Fall Head Over Tails in Love. For one day, adoption fees and BC Pet Registry fees would be 50 …

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