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News Category: Animal cruelty

BC SPCA seizes 97 neglected animals from Princeton property

September 25, 2020

The BC SPCA is caring for 97 badly neglected animals seized from a Princeton property in the Interior on Sept. 23. SPCA animal protection officers executed a warrant and removed 43 puppies, 24 adult and senior dogs, 27 horses and three cats after receiving a complaint about animals in distress. “The animals were living in …

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Vancouver man pleads guilty to beating dog, following SPCA investigation

dog bear at the beach
August 17, 2020

A man accused of brutally beating his girlfriend’s dog in 2016 has pleaded guilty in a Vancouver court. John David McCordic was sentenced to a seven-year ban on having custody or control of animals and a $4,000 fine. The BC SPCA received a call on May 18, 2016 regarding security footage from the underground parking …

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BC SPCA seeks public’s help with investigation into disturbing death

Cruelty investigative Department staff in uniform petting horse outdoors
June 10, 2020

The BC SPCA is seeking the public’s help in solving a disturbing case involving a miniature horse whose mutilated body was found at the side of a road in Quesnel. “We’re asking anyone with information that might be relevant to this case to please call the BC SPCA Animal Helpline at 1-855-622-7722,” says Dr. Teresa …

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BC SPCA in North Peace urges cat guardians to stop abandoning pets

abandoned cat north peace shelter
June 5, 2020

The BC SPCA in North Peace is urging pet guardians to do the right thing for their animals after responding to multiple cases of cats being abandoned in the area of Charlie Lake. In one recent case, the BC SPCA rescued a young adult female cat who was found at the Montney Park boat launch …

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BC SPCA issues warning after cat rescued from abandoned in home

February 26, 2020

The BC SPCA is issuing a warning after a cat was found trapped inside a house in Vancouver that had been boarded up and deserted by its previous tenants. The tabby cat was rescued by an SPCA animal protection officer after a neighbour reported seeing the house abandoned, but heard the cries of the cat …

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Marigold is a victim of cruelty and needs your help

January 14, 2020

The BC SPCA’s Surrey Good Shepherd Barn is asking for your help to care for a three-year-old pot-belly pig called Marigold. This young pig came into SPCA care through a cruelty investigation surrender. “Marigold had overgrown hooves that caused her to walk like she was wearing flippers, causing tendon and ligament strain,” says Leiki Salumets, …

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4 dogs surrendered to the SPCA from backyard breeder in Maple Ridge

Maple Ridge shepherds
December 12, 2019

The BC SPCA is providing care to four neglected shepherd breed dogs, who were surrendered from a backyard breeder and are looking for their forever homes for the holidays. These neglected dogs had been living in their own feces and urine among hazardous debris and garbage on a property in Maple Ridge. “This time of …

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