BC SPCA resources for veterinarians
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For Veterinarians

Upcoming continuing education opportunity!

Registration is now open.

The BC SPCA’s AnimalKind and BC Pet Registry invite veterinarians and RVTs to the free webinar Behavioural Medicine in Shelter Cats for Primary Care Veterinarians & RVTs.

This is a unique opportunity for veterinarians and RVTs to learn about common behavioural challenges, diagnosis, treatment, and management of shelter cat behaviour conditions.

For more information and to register, go to the BC SPCA’s AnimalKind Vet Webinar page.

Behavioural Medicine in Shelter Cats webinar February 2025


We rely on an extensive network of private veterinary clinics and hospitals to assist us in our life-saving work.

Veterinarians, technicians and veterinary assistants help care for shelter animals by offering discounts for services, free veterinary checks for newly adopted animals, and low-cost spay/neuter surgeries for people in need of assistance.

Many also volunteer at free-roaming cat spay/neuter clinics, and host fundraisers and microchip clinics. Thank you to the vets supporting our work! You are our lifeline!

Our veterinary newsletters below are sent to veterinarians across B.C. and are a valuable resource to help improve the lives of animals in your practice. Other BC SPCA veterinary resources are also available in addition to our research in veterinary science publications.

Veterinarian is examining a cute siberian husky at hospital

Shelter medicine program

Shelter medicine balances the needs of individual animals with the needs of the general public. We are currently in the process of updating our shelter medicine protocols and will make them available here to the veterinarians with whom we partner. Sometimes shelter medicine protocols differ from private practice recommendations.

General information about shelter medicine and our shelter medicine program.

Our shelter medicine protocols and veterinary correspondence

Hide, Perch & Go™ box

The Hide, Perch & Go™ box acts as both a welfare box and carrier, providing a more comfortable environment for cats away from home. The Hide, Perch & Go™ box can also be used as a bed and rest area in the home, for trips to the veterinarian, and for other transport needs.

Learn more about the Hide, Perch & Go™ box or order boxes for your clinic or hospital today.

Resources and links

Handbook for veterinarians assisting with BC SPCA cruelty cases

Veterinarians are often on the front lines in cases of animal cruelty and neglect. After receiving many requests for more resources, we have developed a comprehensive handbook  for veterinarians working on animal cruelty cases (PDF).

Veterinarian’s duty to report an animal in distress

In the course of your veterinary practice, you may on occasion find yourself in a situation where you are dealing with an animal that has been abused, neglected or needs veterinary care due to being in distress and the owner is either unable or unwilling to provide that care. Access our resources on the duty to report animals in distress including dental disease and canine tail docking.

Animal care manuals

Animal behaviour

Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR)

Surgical sterilization and Non-Surgical Fertility Control: Increasing access to Care

Pediatric spay/neuter

BC SPCA Pediatric Spay/Neuter Resource Library

External Pediatric Spay/Neuter Resources

Pet identification

Shelter medicine

Additional links

Young cute black kitten at the vet getting a vaccination

Veterinary Newsletters

Shelter Medicine Gazette Spring 2024 (PDF)

Highlights include:

  • BC SPCA Shelter Stats and Animal Health Trends
  • Treating Behavioural Conditions in Shelter Animals

Shelter Medicine Gazette Spring 2023 (PDF)

Highlights include:

  • Dermatology in Shelter Medicine
  • Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease
  • Animal Kind Pet Services Standards