BC SPCA Hide, Perch & Go™ box - BC SPCA
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BC SPCA Hide, Perch & Go™ box

To help cats cope with the stress of being at a shelter, the BC SPCA developed the Hide, Perch & Go™ box. The box provides cats with more control over their environment, and allows them to express behaviours such as hiding, perching and face rubbing (scent marking), that help them reduce stress.

Learn how to order Hide, Perch & Go™ boxes below.

How does it work?

As the box gets saturated with their own scent, cats feel safer and more at home. Taking their box home with them will help lower the stress from moving into a new home.

New smells, people and furniture can make a cat anxious, stressed or scared. A familiar box that has their scent allows them to be calmer during transport and adjust to their new home more easily.

Detailed features

The Hide, Perch & Go™ box can:

  • Separate feeding, elimination and sleeping areas – crucial in helping cats feel a sense of control over their environment in very limited space.
  • Create an opportunity for hiding, perching and face rubbing – all natural behaviours cats engage in to manage stress.
  • Offer choice of different areas and textures to lie on, ways to regulate body temperature and light exposure.
  • Allow more control over the amount of exposure to the shelter activity.
  • Enable cats to saturate the cage with their own scent by face-rubbing, scratching and clawing the cardboard.

Decrease costs with the Hide, Perch & Go™ box

The Hide, Perch & Go™ box acts as both a welfare box and carrier. One of these boxes eliminates the need to continue purchasing separate cat carriers. This effectively saves the BC SPCA $50,000 to $75,000 per year while increasing the welfare for cats, improving adoption rates, decreasing length of stay and lowering disease rates.

Because the box is also a carrier, its cost can be easily justified to the adopter and included in the adoption price. The box can be reused for trips to the veterinarian, for short transport needs, or in disaster planning. The box can also be sold to the general public and used as a bed and rest area in the home.

Hide, Perch & Go™ box dimensions

The box has been designed to be used in most conventional cat cages and in communal cat rooms.




Order Hide, Perch & Go™ boxes

Our Hide, Perch & Go™ boxes are available for purchase in bundles of 20 (minimum order is 20 boxes). Please calculate your shipping cost as below. If you wish to proceed, complete our online order form. To purchase a smaller amount of our Hide, Perch & Go™ boxes, please visit your local BC SPCA shelter.


1 bundle (20 boxes) is $226 CAD
Organizations with charitable status cost: $209 / bundle

Calculate your shipping costs by filling in boxes at link below:

Calculate Time and Cost: UPS – Canada

Ship from is:
Country: Canada
City: Surrey
Postal Code: V3Z 1E2

Shipping dimensions are:
Use: My packaging
132 lbs / 41 X 8 X 28

Note: all costs are in CAD. If you are a client from the USA please calculate today’s exchange rate for an estimate; this is for estimate only as rates may change before date of shipping.

Calculate to US funds: 1 CAD to USD – Canadian Dollars to US Dollars Exchange Rate (xe.com)

If you would like to proceed with an order, please complete our online order form and a representative will contact you to confirm your order and costs.

Please note: To minimize potential disease spread, a Hide, Perch & Go™ box should not be not shared between cats. There is no clinical studies on disease transfer via a used Hide, Perch & Go™ box but the BC SPCA does not recommend that the box be re-used between cats.