News Stories Archive - Page 60 of 231 - BC SPCA
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News Stories

Feisty kitten survives more than two days trapped under pile of debris

September 14, 2022

The sounds of a kitten crying drew the Good Samaritan to the neighbouring property in Surrey. Following the cries along the fence line she came upon a pile of debris and saw the head of a small orange kitten. “The neighbour tried to coax the kitten out with food and water, but had no luck,” …

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BC SPCA urgently seeks foster homes for more than 100 budgies

September 12, 2022

The BC SPCA is bulging with budgies and is hoping some caring animal lovers will come forward to provide temporary foster homes for the birds. More than 100 budgies were surrendered into the SPCA’s care in August, following an animal protection investigation in West Kelowna. The budgies are currently being cared for at BC SPCA …

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BC SPCA holds emergency vaccine clinic after parvo outbreak discovered in DTES

September 12, 2022

The BC SPCA is holding a special vaccination clinic today in a Downtown Eastside SRO after an outbreak of the potentially fatal canine parvovirus was confirmed in puppies being cared for in a building near Dunlevy Avenue and Powell Street. Three of the puppies have since died and the fourth is receiving intensive veterinary care. …

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A must-see transformation! St. Bernard mom now healthy and happy. Meet her puppies!

September 9, 2022

Bailey is a St. Bernard cross who was nursing five puppies in unsanitary and substandard conditions when she was brought to the BC SPCA.  Thankfully, the puppies were all healthy, but Bailey was underweight, had multiple abscesses on her feet, long nails that were growing into her pads and her fur was full of mats …

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