October 3, 2019The BC SPCA’s Burnaby Branch is seeking your help with medical costs for a cat who was found alone in a crate on Burnaby Mountain. “It is hard to say how long he may have been there before someone saw him and called us to pick him up,” says SPCA Burnaby branch manager Nicole McBain. …
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News Category: Ways to help
September 30, 2019Cheeko is a little lost soul who urgently needs your help to recover. This little stray dog was brought to the BC SPCA’s North Cariboo Branch in Prince George and he is battling a myriad of medical issues. Cheeko has severe dental disease including loose teeth that will require surgery, three hairless masses on the …
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News Category: Ways to help
September 25, 2019Senior kitties Dallas and Ripley are broken hearted after their guardian passed away and they were surrendered into the nearest shelter. They have nothing left except each other. Donate now Both cats are 15 years young, but Dallas is in worse condition than Ripley. Dallas has kidney disease that requires a prescription diet and he …
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News Category: Ways to help
September 21, 2019The BC SPCA’s Williams Lake Branch is asking members of the public to help with medical costs for Blue, a very friendly three-year-old Siamese cat who needs surgery to remove a fractured and septic front leg. The cause of the original fracture is unknown but Blue’s lifeless and infected limb is causing him great pain. …
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News Category: Ways to help
September 19, 2019The BC SPCA’s Abbotsford Branch is seeking your help with medical costs to care for several stray cats, who were hit by cars. Cedar is a handsome and affectionate two-year-old orange tabby, who will need surgery to remove a broken femoral head. He has an open wound on his tail caused by the impact when …
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News Category: Ways to help
September 18, 2019Tiny Apollo was found as a result of a cruelty investigation. He was kept indoors for years, living in his own feces and filth with no outlets to express normal dog behaviour. Apollo was seized by an SPCA animal protection officer and brought to the SPCA’s West Vancouver Branch. Now, Apollo needs your help. His …
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News Category: Ways to help
September 12, 2019The BC SPCA’s West Vancouver Branch is asking members of the public to help with medical costs for Petunia, a four-month-old pug who is recovering from surgery and receiving treatment for her eyes. This little pug had what appeared to be a femoral neck fracture causing lameness in her left hind leg. She went in …
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News Category: Ways to help
September 10, 2019The BC SPCA’s North Peace Branch is seeking your help with medical costs for a seven-week-old kitten staff have named Liberty who was suffering from a harsh life on the streets and was in desperate need of veterinary care. Liberty has a ruptured eye that occurred due to untreated respiratory symptoms and a lack of …
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News Category: Ways to help
September 6, 2019The BC SPCA’s Burnaby Branch is seeking your help with medical costs for Pancakes, who has cherry eye, an umbilical hernia and is struggling with obesity and his fear of strangers. This adorable four-year-old dog will need surgery to correct his hernia and eye plus a weight loss plan to help him get back into …
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News Category: Ways to help
September 4, 2019What could be better than enjoying a nice glass of wine? Saving B.C. wildlife at the same time! The BC SPCA is delighted to partner with Northern Lights Estate Winery in announcing the launch of “The Bear”, a new Pinot Gris-style wine with a purpose. The wine is made using surplus apples sourced from local …
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News Category: Ways to help, Wildlife