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News Category: Ways to help

Little Cheeko needs your help to recover from multiple medical issues

September 30, 2019

Cheeko is a little lost soul who urgently needs your help to recover. This little stray dog was brought to the BC SPCA’s North Cariboo Branch in Prince George and he is battling a myriad of medical issues. Cheeko has severe dental disease including loose teeth that will require surgery, three hairless masses on the …

News Category:

Abbotsford SPCA overwhelmed with cats needing medical treatment

September 19, 2019

The BC SPCA’s Abbotsford Branch is seeking your help with medical costs to care for several stray cats, who were hit by cars. Cedar is a handsome and affectionate two-year-old orange tabby, who will need surgery to remove a broken femoral head. He has an open wound on his tail caused by the impact when …

News Category:

Help needed for kitten rescued in time to save her life

Liberty the kitten
September 10, 2019

The BC SPCA’s North Peace Branch is seeking your help with medical costs for a seven-week-old kitten staff have named Liberty who was suffering from a harsh life on the streets and was in desperate need of veterinary care. Liberty has a ruptured eye that occurred due to untreated respiratory symptoms and a lack of …

News Category:

Big news! The BC SPCA is tackling the root causes of animal suffering with our 2025-2030 Strategic Plan.