​BC SPCA Position Statements, Resources & Speaking Requests
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Leaders in our field

As the largest animal welfare organization of its kind in Canada, the BC SPCA leads the way in animal care and management.

We help more than 135,764 abandoned, abused, injured and homeless animals each year, and run preventative programs around the province to address the root causes of animal suffering.

Our work is evidence-based, using the best available scientific and professional knowledge about the welfare of all animals — companion, farm, wild, exotic and research animals.

Position statements

The BC SPCA’s position statements represent our evidence-based views on important animal issues. We use these statements to educate and raise awareness to improve the lives of all animals.

Professional resources

Our professional resources are available for use in your work to improve the lives of animals. Here you will find publications, materials and other evidence-based resources on animal care and management.

These resources may be useful to:

  • Academics and other professionals
  • Veterinary professionals
  • Animal sheltering organizations
  • Municipalities
  • Social workers
  • Teachers
  • Wildlife and rodent control operators

Science & Policy newsletter

The BC SPCA’s bi-annual Science & Policy newsletter provides updates on BC SPCA science and academic initiatives, animal policy, legislation and current events.

National welfare work for animals

The BC SPCA is a leader in advancing animal welfare nationally. We are an active member with Humane Canada, the national voice for animal welfare.

Speaking requests

Our staff members are experts on a wide variety of animal welfare topics, and available to speak about their work and field of expertise. Looking for a BC SPCA representative to speak at your conference, event or gathering? Please email info@spca.bc.ca to submit your request. Include your requested topic along with the date and location.