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A Year in Review: 2023

In 2023, the BC SPCA offered life-saving work on behalf of animals in need and expanded its outreach services to help pet guardians who needed extra support to care for their animals.

Further detail on 2023 statistics:

  • Operated 32 community animal care centres, two education & adoption centres, three barns, and Wild ARC, a wildlife rehabilitation centre in Metchosin on Vancouver Island;
  • Helped over 135K animals: directly cared for 35,722 injured, homeless, neglected and abused animals and assisted 100,042 through community programs such as spay/neuter;
  • Reunited more than 2,000 lost animals with their families;
  • Treated 17,964 animals through BC SPCA Veterinary Services;
  • Provided spay/neuter surgeries for 14,914 animals;
  • Found new, loving families for more than 11,000 homeless animals;
  • Provided more than 9,600 nights of free emergency pet boarding for individuals fleeing unsafe domestic situations and those displaced by wildfires, floods and other natural disasters;
  • Provided 717,621 meals to animals through BC SPCA pet food bank programs with 134 community partners across B.C.;
  • Rescued 17,729 injured, homeless, neglected and abused animals (companion, farm and wild) at community animal centres (excludes Wild ARC);
  • Helped 2,043 injured and orphaned wild animals through Wild ARC;
  • Conducted nearly 8,000 new cruelty investigations;
  • Provided humane education programs to more than more than 10,000 children through school presentations and animal clubs; offered camps and workshops for more than 1,140 children; engaged more than 5,000 youth through the BC SPCA Kids Club and provided lesson ideas and resources to more than 6,000 educators.
  • Operated the BC Pet Registry, British Columbia’s first centralized database for pets. More than 204,000 animals have been registered since its launch in April 2015.

The BC SPCA is mindful of our responsibility to use donor dollars wisely to help the greatest number of abused, injured and homeless animals. Our transparency and accountability have earned us many awards and accreditations. Review our annual reports.