Vancouver man who videotaped kitten torture receives 17-month jail sentence - BC SPCA
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Vancouver man who videotaped kitten torture receives 17-month jail sentence

May 29, 2013

Update: May 29, 2013

A Vancouver man who was arrested and charged in two separate cases involving the videotaped torture of kittens and cats was sentenced to 17 month in jail today. He was also given a two-year prohibition on having custody of animals.

Jordan Lucas, who was originally charged in July 2012 in connection with the videotaped torture of a kitten, was charged with two additional counts of animal cruelty under the Criminal Code last month after the BC SPCA discovered 36 more videos of five cats and a mouse being tortured and killed over a two-month period in early 2012. The tapes were turned in to the SPCA by a member of the public who found them.

“These two cases were extremely disturbing, involving some of the most sickening and violent images the BC SPCA has ever seen,” says Lorie Chortyk, general manager of community relations for the BC SPCA. “We are pleased that the jail sentence reflects the brutality of this crime, but we feel that a lifetime ban on possessing animals should have been imposed, given the vicious and intentional nature of the attacks.”

The BC SPCA first began investigating Lucas last year after the agency was contacted by a woman who had purchased a used cell phone. “To her horror, the cell phone still contained a video lasting more than 50 minutes of a helpless kitten being violently abused and tortured,” says Chortyk. “On the video only a male’s hands are visible, but the left hand had a distinctive tattoo. With the assistance of the Vancouver Police Department we were able to trace the phone and make an exact match of the tattoo and identify Jordan Lucas.”

Jordan Lucas, who was also wanted for breach of probation on unrelated charges, was arrested on an outstanding warrant in August of 2012. He has been in custody since that time.

Update: January 24, 2013
Vancouver man who videotaped kitten torture on his cell phone faces additional cruelty charges

A Vancouver man who was arrested and charged last summer in connection with the videotaped torture of a kitten is facing further animal cruelty charges. Jordan Lucas, who is awaiting trial on the previous charge, now faces two more counts of animal cruelty under the Criminal Code after the BC SPCA discovered an additional 36 videos of five cats and a mouse being tortured and killed over a two-month period in early 2012. The tapes were turned in to the SPCA by a member of the public who found them. Lucas will appear in court to face the charges on Feb. 4 in Vancouver.

“This is an extremely disturbing case, involving sickening torture and abuse,” says Lorie Chortyk, general manager of community relations for the BC SPCA. “While we cannot disclose details regarding the new videos, it would be fair to say that they contain truly some of the most shocking and horrifying images that we have ever seen.”

Lucas was originally charged with animal cruelty in July, 2012, after the BC SPCA was contacted by a woman who had purchased a used cell phone.  “To her horror, the cell phone still contained a video lasting more than 50 minutes of a helpless kitten being violently abused and tortured,” says Chortyk.  “On the video only a male’s hands are visible, but the left hand had a distinctive tattoo. With the assistance of the Vancouver Police Department we were able to trace the phone and make an exact match of the tattoo and identify Jordan Lucas.”

Jordan Lucas, who was also wanted for breach of probation on unrelated charges, was arrested on an outstanding warrant in August of 2012 and is still in custody.

If convicted, Lucas faces up to five years in jail, a fine of up to $10,000 and up to a lifetime prohibition of owning or having custody of animals.

Original story: August 24, 2012
Vancouver man who videotaped kitten torture on his cell phone arrested in BC SPCA investigation

A Vancouver man who used his cell phone to videotape himself violently torturing a kitten for more than 50 minutes was arrested yesterday in Richmond. He was transferred to Vancouver for a bail hearing today.

Jordan Lucas, who was also wanted for breach of probation on unrelated charges, was arrested on an outstanding warrant and will face one count of animal cruelty under Section 445. 1 (1) of the Criminal Code of Canada.

“On April 26 we were contacted by a woman who had purchased a used cell phone,” says Marcie Moriarty, general manager of cruelty investigations for the BC SPCA. “To her horror, the cell phone still contained a video lasting more than 50 minutes of a helpless kitten being violently abused and tortured.” The abuse included throwing the kitten against furniture, punching, slapping, strangling, asphyxiation and spinning the black and white kitten around with a cord around its neck. At several points during the video the kitten groaned and cried and appeared to be injured and disoriented.

“On the video only a male’s hands are visible, but the left hand had a distinctive tattoo,” says Moriarty. “With the assistance of the Vancouver Police Department we were able to trace the phone and make an exact match of the tattoo and identify Jordan Lucas.” Charges were approved in the case earlier this month and a warrant was issued for Lucus’ arrest.

If convicted, Lucas faces up to five years in jail, a fine of up to $10,000 and up to a lifetime prohibition of owning or having custody of animals.

The British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is a not-for-profit organization reliant on public donations. Our mission is to protect and enhance the quality of life for domestic, farm and wild animals in B.C.

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