Dog found tied to railing will be taken care of forever in his new home - BC SPCA
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Dog found tied to railing will be taken care of forever in his new home

March 31, 2023

He was found tied to a railing in front of a building in downtown Prince George. He had a large, protruding mass on his leg and a heartbreaking note on his collar asking someone to take care of him.

Thankfully, a Good Samaritan found him and took him to the BC SPCA where he was rushed to an emergency veterinarian. “Poor Rolo had a lot going on health wise,” says Kristen Sumner, manager of the BC SPCA’s North Cariboo District animal centre. “As the vet was examining his teeth, three fell out. It was determined that Rolo had ringworm on his face and legs, and he was also underweight,” says Sumner. Rolo was immediately taken into surgery to further examine the mass on his leg.


Fortunately, the mass was benign and Rolo was scheduled for surgery to remove it. He received dental work, was treated for ringworm and was put on a refeeding plan.

While Rolo was recovering from all of his procedures and getting back to a healthy weight, two people were anxiously waiting to welcome him into their home and take care of him forever.

“We read about Rolo in the news,” says Jacki. “We were just heartbroken for him and knew we had to give him a home.”

Jacki and Arlene kept looking for him on the BC SPCA adoption page but couldn’t see him. The animal centre informed them that Rolo was still under medical care, but that they would let them know when he was ready to be adopted. They finally got the email they were waiting for and Jacki and Arlene immediately sent in their application.

Jacki and Arlene have two other rescue dogs so the meetings with Rolo included Phoebe and Shakira. “Arlene took them down one at a time, to meet Rolo” says Jacki. “The cone Rolo was wearing threw them off a little, but everyone got along. Arlene fell madly in love with him as soon as she saw him,” says Jacki, who due to illness had to stay at home. “It broke her heart to leave him. Every time she left, Rolo would look at her, with a ‘why don’t you love me’ look in his eyes,” says Jacki. “He would smother her with kisses, when she told him she would be back.”

When Rolo officially became theirs, they re-named him Bosco. “Our two divas are getting used to having a brother,” says Jacki. “Shakira was affectionate with him right away. Bosco was a little perplexed by all the kisses he was getting from her.”

Bosco has been at their home for a little over three weeks, now. “He has been just a sweetheart,” says Jacki. “The only thing that took him a little time to get used to was being inside. We could tell he was not used to being in a home. He kept going to the door, as if he was saying, ‘I’m not supposed to be here’”.

Now that he has gotten used to it, he is loving it. “He goes outside for his walks, and to play in the backyard, but he can’t wait to get back inside and snuggle up with someone.”

“We are getting used to his full facewash kisses,” says Jacki. They have also discovered his love of squirrel watching. “We have one squirrel in our yard that visits our feeder just outside the window and ‘performs’; Bosco sits there and watches him all day.”

Bosco is also a huge fan of treats. “Bosco will speak, shake both paws and go through all of his tricks before I can even ask him,” says Jacki. He loves to go on car-rides too. “Phoebe and Shakira aren’t big fans of the car,” says Jacki. “It is great that Arlene now has the best co-pilot she could ask for.”

“We are so happy Bosco is a part of our family,” says Jacki. “We are going to do whatever it takes to give him the best life.”

Big news! The BC SPCA is tackling the root causes of animal suffering with our 2025-2030 Strategic Plan.