News Stories Archive - Page 36 of 231 - BC SPCA
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News Stories

New complaint of alleged animal cruelty on Excelsior hog farm received by BC SPCA

November 16, 2023

On November 16, the BC SPCA received a letter by email from Animal Justice stating the organization had received anonymous video footage back in August which was allegedly filmed on the Excelsior Hog Farm in Abbotsford between April and June 2023. In the letter to the BC SPCA, Animal Justice summarizes parts of the raw …

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BC SPCA permanently closing Vernon community animal centre

November 15, 2023

Due to a number of ongoing concerns related to the structural integrity of the Vernon community animal centre, the BC SPCA has made the difficult decision to permanently close the facility to the public, effective November 17. “We have been aware of growing concerns related to the building’s foundation, walls, and ceiling, but a recent …

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Found living in filth – where are the rescued Yorkies now?

November 3, 2023

Remember the story of the 16 Yorkshire terriers and a Pomeranian seized by BC SPCA animal protection officers after they were found in appalling living conditions? Their lives have changed so much in such a brief time. A North Okanagan-area breeder was housing the dogs in a room with an overwhelming ammonia smell and dirty, …

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Update: Send the B.C. government your input on emergency management for animals

November 1, 2023

Update: The Emergency Management campaign has now closed. Almost 400 British Columbians voiced their support for including animals in emergency planning, response and recovery, called for the provincial government to collaborate with and support animal welfare organizations, and shared their personal experiences and recommendations to help the provincial government create regulations under the Emergency and …

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Big news! The BC SPCA is tackling the root causes of animal suffering with our 2025-2030 Strategic Plan.