Miracle recovery for Cedric, emaciated boxer found near death
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Miracle recovery for Cedric, emaciated boxer found near death

May 7, 2018

A brave boxer, who was near death when he was rescued by the BC SPCA in January, received an Animal Courage Award at the BC SPCA annual awards ceremony in Richmond on May 4.

Cedric was severely emaciated, with a body condition score of only one out of nine, when he came into SPCA care in Vancouver. “He was just skin and bones, definitely the most emaciated dog I have ever seen in my 30 years rescuing animals,” says Jodi Dunlop, manager of the BC SPCA’s Vancouver Branch. “You could see every single rib protruding and he shivered constantly to try to keep warm.” Dunlop took Cedric into her own home as a foster pup in a fight to save his life. “He required around-the-clock care,” she recalls. “I fed him a tablespoon of food every few hours, monitoring him carefully to make sure he didn’t ingest more than he could handle. Because he had had no food for so long, it was a very slow process to increase his food intake and to ensure he was getting the nutrients he needed without overwhelming his compromised digestive system.” Dunlop notes that it was also a challenge to keep Cedric warm, as he had no body fat to protect him.

His comeback took time, but as he gained strength Dunlop saw Cedric’s true personality shine through. “He wagged his tail constantly and he became so loving and cuddly,” she says. “Out of all the animals I’ve fostered, he was definitely my favourite.”

After regaining his health Cedric was put up for adoption and is now part of a loving new family. “There is no doubt that Cedric deserves this Animal Courage Award,” says Dunlop. “There were moments when I was afraid he wasn’t going to make it, but he had the determination and resilience to keep fighting. He is a healthy, happy boy today and I couldn’t be more excited that he got a second chance.”

Cedric receives the Animal Courage Award


Update: March 2, 2018

A brave boxer has come a long way since he came into BC SPCA care at the end of January. Cedric, formerly known as Tank, was severely emaciated, with a body condition score of only one out of nine, shivering constantly to keep warm.

Now, he’s making terrific strides on his road to recovery, thanks to the ’round-the-clock care provided by his foster fur-mom and BC SPCA Vancouver Branch manager Jodi Dunlop.

“Every day I see more of his true personality shine through,” Dunlop says. “He wags his tail constantly! What a difference from when we first met him.”

To care for the skin-and-bones boxer, Dunlop feeds him a tablespoon of food every couple of hours, watches him to make sure he doesn’t ingest anything he isn’t supposed to, weighs him daily and monitors his urine and fecal matter for any signs of any potential issues.

“Because he had no food for so long, it’s a very slow process to increase his food intake and to ensure he’s getting the nutrients form that food,” Dunlop says, noting that a BC SPCA cruelty investigation into his case in ongoing.

“He’s the most emaciated dog I’ve ever seen and I’ve been doing this for 30 years – it’s shocking.”

Cedric has started to slowly gain weight but still has problems keeping warm because he has no body fat, Dunlop says, noting the BC SPCA is working with a nutritionist to help get Cedric back to a healthy weight.

The branch is currently reviewing several adoption applications in search of Cedric’s perfect match for a forever home.

“He’s so loving and cuddly, it’s going to be hard to say ‘good-bye’ – I know I’m going to cry like a baby,” Dunlop says. “Out of all of my fosters – and I’ve fostered a lot of animals – he’s my favourite.”

Dunlop says the public came through in a big way when Cedric’s story was first featured as a medical emergency.

“We can’t say ‘thank you’ enough to all of the amazing animal lovers who contributed to help Cedric get well,” she says. “We are so grateful. We couldn’t do it without you.”

Vancouver SPCA hopes public can help emaciated boxer

Original story posted on Feb. 6, 2018

Warning: the following story contains graphic images

He shivers constantly, unable to keep warm because he’s so emaciated. Tank, a two-and-a-half-year-old boxer, came into BC SPCA care grossly underweight, with a body condition score (BCS) of only one out of nine.

“Poor Tank weighs less than half of his ideal weight,” says BC SPCA Vancouver Branch manager Jodi Dunlop. “He’s skin and bones – he struggles to get comfortable because he’s lying on his bones, which causes him pain.”

In addition to his emaciated condition, Tank has pressure sores and a foreign object lodged in his intestines, which will require surgery to remove. The subject of an ongoing BC SPCA cruelty investigation, Tank’s medical care, treatment and recovery costs are expected to be $9,000.

A non-profit organization, the BC SPCA relies primarily on public donations to carry out its life-saving work in helping the province’s most vulnerable animals.

“It’s hard not to fall in love with this guy – despite everything he’s been through, he’s so affectionate and so eager to please,” says Dunlop, noting the two-and-a-half-year-old will be available for adoption when he has recovered from his surgery and gained some weight.

“We just want him to have a second change at a happy, healthy life in a loving, forever home.”

If you can help Tank and other animals like him at the Vancouver SPCA, you can donate online at spca.bc.ca/medicalemergency or in person at 1205 East 7th Ave., Vancouver.

Big news! The BC SPCA is tackling the root causes of animal suffering with our 2025-2030 Strategic Plan.