Sweet senior lab needs your help - BC SPCA
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Sweet senior lab needs your help

December 15, 2021

The BC SPCA is hoping you can help Raider, a sweet 13-year-old black Labrador who was left all alone in the world when his elderly human passed away.

Like many older animals who come into BC SPCA care, Raider has various health concerns the SPCA is addressing to help him live his best life in his senior years. “He requires bloodwork, urinalysis and x-rays on his chest and hind legs,” says Nicole McBain, manager of the BC SPCA in Burnaby. “He’s a little stiff and suffering from arthritis so we’ll manage his pain with medication to help this lovely boy feel himself again.”

McBain says Raider will also require some exploration of lumps he has developed and oral surgery to help him eat without pain. “Despite all this poking and prodding, Raider has been so easy going throughout his care,” notes McBain. “As soon as we put him on pain management medication we noticed how much energy this gentle senior still had. He loves his walks and exploring new places, and he’s a loyal companion who will brighten anyone’s day.” She says Raider has been making staff laugh with his goofy antics and “just loves to snuggle up and spend time with his people, especially on a couch.”

The cost of Raider’s care is expected to be approximately $2,100.

Once Raider’s care is complete he will be available for adoption. “We’re looking forward to sending this sweet old man off to bring joy to his new family as soon as possible,” says McBain.


Help Raider

Big news! The BC SPCA is tackling the root causes of animal suffering with our 2025-2030 Strategic Plan.