Hoss happy to find a forever home for the holidays - BC SPCA
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Hoss happy to find a forever home for the holidays

December 18, 2018

It’s a Christmas wish come true for a senior dog who not only needed oral surgery, but a loving home for the holidays. Hoss, a Chinese Crested, and 17-years-young, has found his perfect match with a family — in the meantime he has been scheduled to have surgery in the new year to help with all of the issues in his mouth.

Hoss, a 17-year-old Chinese Crested, is examined by veterinarians.

“It was imperative Hoss have this surgery; he’d been found by Mounties in a tiny, dirty bathroom, covered in urine and feces, and with no food or water,” says Carolyn Hawkins, manager, SPCA South Okanagan-Similkameen Branch. “When he first arrived, he struggled to eat, and the mouth issues certainly played a role. When we posted his story to our medical emergency website, we couldn’t believe how many people quickly stepped in to help. One person even donated more than $1,300 towards his care!”

Hoss will be going home with Norm and Jill. Jill is a long-time volunteer and supporter of the SPCA. “We are thrilled that this sweet boy will have a place to call his own in time for the holidays. “Even with all he’s been through, his tail never stops wagging and he loves being in people’s laps.”

Hoss, a 17-year-old Chinese Crested, will be going home just in time for the holidays! Here, he poses with his guardians for a photo and is dressed in a tartan doggie jacket.

Hawkins notes that sadly, there are still thousands of other animals out there who are just like Hoss, and in desperate need of help. “Hoss’s story has a happy ending: he’ll get to spend his golden years with a loving, caring family. We want to be able to give other animals that same chance. They deserve the same happiness, too.”

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