In another exciting milestone for animal welfare in Canada this month, the federal government has just passed Bill C-47 to amend the Foods and Drugs Act. This amendment bans testing cosmetics on animals in Canada, selling cosmetics that rely on animal testing, and false or misleading labelling about cosmetic testing on animals.
The BC SPCA is grateful for the dedicated people and organizations who advocated for this change for almost a decade, and for the federal government’s action to end the unnecessary suffering and death of animals in the name of beauty.
“The BC SPCA has long been opposed to the use of animals for testing inessential substances like cosmetics, and we support the development and use of non-animal alternatives for all types of testing” says Dr. Sara Dubois, the BC SPCA’s Chief Scientific Officer. “Many cosmetic companies have already made the switch and demonstrated that animals do not need to suffer for the beauty industry.”
The ban on cosmetic testing brings Canada in line with over 40 countries that have already introduced bans, including the European Union, Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Colombia, Ecuador, Norway and Iceland.
Please join the BC SPCA and Humane Canada in celebrating these victories for animal welfare and thanking the Prime Minister and the Minister of Health for amending the Food and Drugs Act and the Canadian Environment Protection Act.
You can email the Minister of Health and the Prime Minister to express your gratitude for these legislative changes, or mail them a letter, postage-free, to:
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A6
Learn more about how we reached this momentous change for animals together!