Duncan resident charged after SPCA seizes neglected horses - BC SPCA
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Duncan resident charged after SPCA seizes neglected horses

January 6, 2011

Crown counsel has approved charges of animal cruelty against a Duncan man after BC SPCA special constables seized 10 badly neglected horses and other farm animals from his property.

The SPCA seized two horses from Orest (Louie) Pohynayko on June 29, 2010 and eight more horses, two llamas and a goat on Nov. 26 after the accused failed to comply with orders issued by the BC SPCA to address outstanding welfare issues for the animals.  Pohynayko will make his first court appearance in Duncan on Jan. 11 to face the charges related to the June 29 seizure and further charges are pending in the second investigation.

“In the most recent seizure the animals were being kept in unacceptable conditions and were exposed to snow, rain and freezing temperatures without proper shelter,” said BC SPCA special constable Dale Bakken. “In addition to the issue of shelter, our orders directed the owner to address the animals’ poor water supply and unsanitary living conditions, to improve the quality of feed and to remove injurious objects from the pasture. When he failed to follow through with these changes we applied for a warrant to remove the animals.”

Since entering the care of the SPCA the animals have received extensive veterinary treatment and nutritional support. Bakken notes that the SPCA is still seeking permanent homes for several of the animals and some require additional medical care.

Sandi Trent, manager of the Cowichan & District Branch of the BC SPCA, said the branch would greatly appreciate donations to help cover the cost of caring for the seized animals. “We are a non-profit organization reliant on donations to carry out our services, including all the costs of our cruelty investigations,” she said. “If anyone is able to help for these animals we would be very grateful.”

Donations can be made by calling the branch at 250-746-4646, at the shelter at 7550 Bell-McKinnon Rd. in Duncan, or online.

The BC SPCA conducts nearly 6,000 cruelty investigations a year and is reliant on donations from the public to continue its work. Please donate today.

Photo caption: Polly, a 20-year-old mare seized on June 29, is still awaiting a permanent home.

The British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is a not-for-profit organization reliant on public donations. Our mission is to protect and enhance the quality of life for domestic, farm and wild animals in B.C.

Big news! The BC SPCA is tackling the root causes of animal suffering with our 2025-2030 Strategic Plan.