BC SPCA urgently seeks foster homes for more than 100 budgies
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BC SPCA urgently seeks foster homes for more than 100 budgies

September 12, 2022

The BC SPCA is bulging with budgies and is hoping some caring animal lovers will come forward to provide temporary foster homes for the birds. More than 100 budgies were surrendered into the SPCA’s care in August, following an animal protection investigation in West Kelowna. The budgies are currently being cared for at BC SPCA Community Animal Centres in the Interior, Kootenays, Greater Vancouver and Fraser Valley regions.

Four budgies in a cage.

“The budgies are part-way through a mandatory 30-day quarantine period that is required because of the presence of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in the province,” says Lorie Chortyk, general manager of communications for the BC SPCA. “Once the quarantine period is up they will be ready for adoption, but in the meantime we are seeking volunteers who can assist us with temporary shelter and care in foster or foster-to-adopt homes.” She notes that because of the quarantine, the budgies must go to foster homes without any other birds and the foster must be willing to wear PPE when handling or interacting with the birds.

If you can help, please send us an email.

BC SPCA caring for 99 budgies surrendered in West Kelowna

Original story: August 25, 2022

The BC SPCA is caring for 99 budgies who were surrendered into the society’s care following an animal protection investigation in West Kelowna.

“The guardian was not able to care for such a large number of birds properly, resulting in numerous health and sanitation issues,” says Eileen Drever, senior officer, protection and stakeholder relations for the BC SPCA.  “Our officers provided food, fans and other support while working with the individual to surrender the birds so that they could get the on-going care they needed.”

All the birds were initially transported to the SPCA in Kelowna on Aug. 24, but some will be transferred to other SPCA shelters to ensure there is adequate space and staffing for their care. Drever added that orders of care were issued for some remaining birds at the residence and said officers will be following up next week. “If we are not satisfied that the required changes have been made, we will be taking more animals into our care.

“Because of the presence of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in the province, we will keep the birds in quarantine for 30 days,” says Drever. “Once the quarantine period is up we will be looking for homes for them all.”

The BC SPCA is grateful for donations to support the care of these birds.

A bird in a cage and a bird being examined.

Big news! The BC SPCA is tackling the root causes of animal suffering with our 2025-2030 Strategic Plan.