Thank you for advocating for animals in 2024! - BC SPCA
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Thank you for advocating for animals in 2024!

January 15, 2025

As we reflect on the past year, we are filled with gratitude for the incredible support of more than 205,000 caring individuals who joined us in 2024 to drive meaningful change for animals. Your dedication and passion have been instrumental in advancing animal welfare across British Columbia and beyond.

The BC SPCA’s annual Advocacy Report highlights the work of our Science and Policy team, which consists of animal welfare and policy experts. By combining evidence-based research with strategic action, the team works to improve the lives of animals at all levels of government and with various industries – but none of this would be possible without your support.

“Through the carefully researched work of our expert staff and the voices of our passionate community of advocates, we were able to achieve many wins for animals this year,” says Dr. Sara Dubois, BC SPCA. “Your voices were heard through various channels, whether through signing a petition, submitting survey feedback, or contacting your government officials.”

We’re excited to share the impact of your support in our 2024 Advocacy Report, now available for you to explore. This report highlights the key initiatives, successes, and progress we’ve achieved together this year.

Highlights include:

  • Securing a pet-friendly housing policy in a provincial election platform
  • Achieving progress on banning live horse export for slaughter
  • Endorsement from B.C.’s local governments to ban glue traps


Thank you for being the voice for those who cannot speak for themselves. We couldn’t have done it without you.

Read the 2024 Advocacy Report

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Big news! The BC SPCA is tackling the root causes of animal suffering with our 2025-2030 Strategic Plan.