Tumbler Ridge man handed 10-year ban on owning animals - BC SPCA
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Tumbler Ridge man handed 10-year ban on owning animals

December 13, 2010

The owner of 34 husky dogs taken into BC SPCA care in 2007 pled guilty and was sentenced this week to a 10-year ban on owning animals.

Stacey Lajeunesse of Tumbler Ridge voluntarily surrendered the badly neglected dogs following an investigation by SPCA constables.

In total, SPCA officers took 23 puppies, ranging in age from two weeks to three months, and 11 adult dogs into care.

BC SPCA Const. Debbie Goodine, who led the investigation, says there was no evidence of food for the animals on the property.

“The adult dogs were extremely emaciated, scoring only one to one-and-a-half on a body conditioning scale of one to five. The puppies were also in very poor body condition and were suffering from internal parasites.”

She adds that the dogs were entangled in heavy chains and there was evidence of psychological distress, such as ground wear from repetitive pacing.

 The dogs received extensive veterinary care and rehabilitation while in SPCA custody and were adopted into loving homes.

In addition to the 10-year ban, Lajeunesse was ordered to pay $841 in restitution to the BC SPCA.  The judge allowed him to keep 12 dogs currently in his custody under the condition that he follow “Mush with Pride” guidelines to ensure adequate care, that he provide proof of ongoing veterinary examinations for the dogs and that he allow BC SPCA inspections with 24 hours notice.  Failure to comply with any of these conditions will result in the dogs being removed.

The BC SPCA conducts close to 6,000 cruelty investigations a year and is reliant on donations from the public to carry out its work. Your gift can help rescue and protect animals, and bring their abusers to justice. Please donate today.

Photo caption: Some of the 34 badly neglected Tumbler Ridge dogs and puppies surrendered to the BC SPCA for care.

The British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is a not-for-profit organization reliant on public donations. Our mission is to protect and enhance the quality of life for domestic, farm and wild animals in B.C.