Muzzles: a modern perspective - BC SPCA
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Muzzles: a modern perspective

April 12, 2024

Muzzles are an often misunderstood tool for keeping your dog safe.

In the past, dogs wearing muzzles were often labelled as ‘bad’ or ‘aggressive’ and were scary for some people. Today, science tells us muzzles are helpful tools that pet guardians use for various reasons to keep their dogs safe and happy.


Portrait of Basenji dogs muzzled for a run

What is a muzzle?

A muzzle is a piece of equipment worn over the snout of a dog to prevent them from biting or scavenging food or other objects from the ground. There are different types of muzzles for different purposes.

Do dogs mind wearing muzzles?

Muzzles are designed not to be painful, although they can limit mobility of the mouth and feel strange on a dog’s face at first. 

Some dogs may have a negative emotional response to muzzles if they have been used to restrain them in the past (i.e. for grooming or veterinary procedures) or if they haven’t been conditioned or trained to wear them, but all dogs can be trained to love wearing a muzzle. 

When should I use a muzzle on my dog?

  • If your dog is at risk of biting someone or another animal.
  • If an animal control bylaw mandates your dog or breed must wear a muzzle.
  • If your dog continuously scavenges objects from the ground.
  • Your dog is at the groomer or veterinarian and may bite because he is frightened.
  • You are working on training and need to keep everyone safe.

Recommended muzzles

Choose a muzzle that is designed for the specific purpose you need and make sure the muzzle is suited for your dog’s breed and size.

For training & walking

Black plastic muzzle for a dog

Basket muzzles (rubber, plastic or metal) allow your dog to drink water, pant to cool down, and take food treats from you. While they may look scary or give a negative impression, they are the most humane choice.


For short-term use during vet exams and grooming

Blue fabric muzzle

Soft flat muzzles made of mesh, nylon, fabric or leather prevent a dog from opening their mouth. Dogs cannot cool off by panting when wearing soft flat muzzles (a dog’s way of sweating). Therefore, these should only be used during vet exams and grooming procedures.

Fun fact: Dogs cool off by panting.


Papillon dog wearing a muzzleHow to fit your dog for a muzzle

Generally, muzzle should be:

  • Snug, but not tight
  • Allow the dog to open his mouth, but not all the way
  • Adjustable

Muzzle companies have guidelines for sizing muzzles, based on breed and size of dog. Visit your local pet store and ask for assistance in finding the right fit for your dog.

*Important to note

  • Even when your dog is comfortable wearing a muzzle guardians must still be aware of triggers that frighten the dog. Having a muzzle doesn’t mean people, places or other dogs aren’t still scary to them – better to avoid these stressful situations altogether even with the safety of a muzzle.
  • Don’t leave the muzzle on all day.
  • Don’t use a muzzle as the only way to deal with unwanted behaviours. You still want to use reward-based training and seek help from an AnimalKind trainer when needed
  • Don’t use a muzzle to stop your dog from barking.
  • If you need help, find an AnimalKind-accredited trainer to help muzzle train your dog using effective, humane training methods.

Muzzle training

Step 1: Teach your dog that the muzzle = yummy treat

Show your dog the muzzle, say “yes”, and give them a treat. Every time you show them the muzzle, give a treat.

If your dog is uncomfortable or afraid of the muzzle:

  • Put it on table away from them and feed them on other side of room.
  • Keep it at a distance where they’ll eat treats when it is in sight.
  • Practice this and move the muzzle closer without causing them to leave room.

The goal: Your dog will look at the muzzle and then to you for a treat.

Step 2: Teach your dog to wear a muzzle

Follow the outlined training plan to teach your dog to enjoy wearing a muzzle when they go out on walks and when visitors come to your home.

Work in three-minute sessions. Do not move to the next step until your dog shows a happy response to the previous step.

Training plan

Step 1:

Show your dog the muzzle – then give them high-value treats or play a game of fetch.

Step 2:

Clip muzzle around the dog’s neck without putting it on their nose. Then give high-value treats in a playful manner, tossing them from side to side.

Step 3:

Put food into muzzle (cup your hand so that food does not fall out). Gently move muzzle away from dog’s nose as they are eating from it. Allow the dog to put their nose into the muzzle, do not put muzzle onto dog.

Step 4:

Increase duration of nose in muzzle (use squeeze cheese or cheese whiz to keep them eating for longer amounts of time).

Step 5:

Begin to add straps around the neck while your dog has their nose in the muzzle – do not attach them at this stage.

Step 6:

Loosely attach straps around neck. Use squeeze cheese or special treat.

Note: If your dog tries to paw at muzzle to remove it DO NOT remove it at this time. Distract them by asking for some behaviours that they enjoy doing like sit or down. Remove the muzzle once the dog is no longer trying to remove it. If your dog constantly tries to remove the muzzle, repeat some earlier steps to ensure they enjoy the muzzle before moving on.

*Training plan transcribed by Sarah Pennington based on Chirag Patel’s video “Teach your dog to love wearing a muzzle”

More resources


AnimalKind banner-dog with basket muzzle eating treat from trainer

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