The BC SPCA North Cariboo District Branch is asking members of the public to help with the costs of care for a dog named Luna who was shot, is severely emaciated and is recovering from surgery. There is an open cruelty investigation into Luna’s case.
Members of the public spotted Luna wandering on Blackwater Road in Prince George and nicknamed her the “Blackwater Boxer.” Local animal control officers provided a live trap and an SPCA special provincial constable monitored the trap multiple times each day. After over a week, the SPCA was successfully able to trap the terribly injured three-year-old dog.
“Luna had been walking around for days with half of her jaw missing due to a gunshot wound. She immediately went in for emergency reconstructive surgery,” says SPCA North Cariboo District animal centre services manager Alex Schare.
Luna’s X-rays, surgery, medication, vaccinations and follow up care is expected to cost $3,230. She will be recovering in a foster home.
“Luna is a playful young dog with a remarkable amount of energy despite her injuries and weakened state,” says Schare.
If you can help sweet Luna and other animals in need at the North Cariboo District, please visit or visit the branch at 4011 Lansdowne Road, .250-562-5511.