Cat found in Maple Ridge park was killed by predator, says BC SPCA - BC SPCA
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Cat found in Maple Ridge park was killed by predator, says BC SPCA

November 5, 2018

A cat found in a Maple Ridge park tied with zap straps on her neck and feet died from a predator attack, according to the BC SPCA.

“The necropsy results reveal the cat died from puncture wounds from a medium to large predator, most likely a coyote or large dog,” says Lorie Chortyk, general manager of community relations for the BC SPCA. “The official cause of death is acute, traumatic bite – the puncture wounds lacerated her stomach, liver and diaphragm, causing her to hemorrhage.” Chortyk says the SPCA was contacted on Oct. 26 when the body of a deceased young female cat, black with white markings, was found on a swing in Cook Park in Maple Ridge.

“Obviously the circumstance in which she was discovered, tied with zap straps, was very concerning,” says Chortyk. “While the cat died from a predator attack, it is still very disturbing to think that any individual would disrespect her body like that.” She notes that the necropsy results confirm that the zap straps were applied post mortem. “Because the zap straps did not contribute to her suffering or death it is not a violation of animal cruelty laws, but it is hard to understand why anyone would carry out such a vile action.”