Charges laid against Colwood couple after attack on family dog - BC SPCA
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Charges laid against Colwood couple after attack on family dog

June 4, 2014

Charges of animal cruelty have been laid against a Colwood couple following a BC SPCA investigation into a brutal attack on the family’s dog. Joseph White and Elizabeth Johnston have been charged under the Criminal Code of Canada after their dog Bryn sustained severe injuries consistent with blunt force trauma.

“When she came into our care Bryn had extensive injuries to her head, torso, legs and teeth. Her skin was split open on the top of her head and she had bruising around the right side of that injury, as well as a swelling and broken front leg, lacerations under her left armpit and abrasions on her front right leg,” says BC SPCA Constable Erika Paul.

“Bryn also had significant bruising to the right side of her torso, a broken canine tooth and was experiencing neurological deficits that impacted her back legs, making it hard for her to stand or move around.”  Medical care was not sought for the dog until the BC SPCA became aware of the case the next day. The SPCA immediately rushed Bryn for emergency treatment and launched a formal investigation into the beating.

“She’s such a gentle and sweet girl, and quickly became a favourite with staff and volunteers,” says Annie Prittie Bell, manager of the Victoria SPCA Branch. “She’s a lovely dog and so eager to please.” Bryn is currently recovering in an SPCA foster home and will be put up for adoption as soon as she is well enough.

Joseph White and Elizabeth Johnston will make their first court appearance at the Western Communities Courthouse on June 26 at 9 a.m.

The British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is a not-for-profit organization reliant on public donations. Our mission is to protect and enhance the quality of life for domestic, farm and wild animals in B.C.