Vancouver dog trainer receives BC SPCA accreditation
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Vancouver dog trainer receives BC SPCA accreditation

May 24, 2024

Local Vancouver dog training company Carefree Hounds has been granted BC SPCA AnimalKind accreditation, recognizing their commitment to high dog welfare.

Sheelah Gullion, owner, and trainer at Carefree Hounds, focuses on training puppies and young dogs. Gullion says, “I work primarily with puppies and adolescent dogs because it’s the best way to raise a happy and sociable adult dog. I do this by working closely with the pups and their guardians, understanding the lifestyle the puppy is growing up in and providing the proper training and information for the dog and their guardians to succeed.”

Sheelah Gullion, owner, and trainer at Carefree Hounds.

Gullion used her background in journalism to research everything she could when she first decided to become a dog trainer, including working with a positive reinforcement trainer in a team where everyone shared their knowledge and experience. Gullion says, “It was a great initiation, and I am so thankful for it. When you train using positive reinforcement, you get a learner who makes an effort to get it right because it’s fun. And who doesn’t want to have fun? I see pups and their owners build better bonds through communication when they have fun in training.”

The BC SPCA created the AnimalKind accreditation program to help dog guardians choose dog trainers who use humane training methods. Nicole Fenwick, manager, research, and standards for the BC SPCA, says, “The dog training industry is unregulated. Many trainers say they are using humane methods, but it is common for guardians to find it challenging to assess this. Companies like Carefree Hounds that receive AnimalKind accreditation have undergone a rigorous auditing process to verify they follow AnimalKind dog training standards, making it easier for guardians to know who to trust.”

Gullion agrees, “The AnimalKind accreditation program is one of the first programs of its kind anywhere that I’m aware of. For me, this accreditation program is important not only because it reassures the public that they can trust the accredited trainers, but it also raises the level of professionalism in the dog training industry.”

Learn about AnimalKind accreditation, what to look for in a trainer, or find a trainer near you.

Carefree Hounds offers training services in Vancouver and parts of Richmond.