BC SPCA seizes 129 neglected cattle in Cawston, B.C. - BC SPCA
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BC SPCA seizes 129 neglected cattle in Cawston, B.C.

January 27, 2023

BC SPCA animal protection officers have seized 129 neglected cattle in two separate seizures from a property in Cawston, B.C. The cattle were being housed in substandard conditions with no access to shelter or protection from the elements. Numerous carcasses of dead cows were also discovered on the property.

“The pens where the cattle were kept were deep in mud, water and manure, which covered the animals up their legs and bodies,” says Eileen Drever, senior officer, protection and stakeholder services for the BC SPCA. “The cows did not have adequate food or drinking water and were struggling to move through the mud.” She notes that the cattle were also suffering from a range of medical issues, including untreated eye infections, lameness, mastitis, overgrown hooves and diarrhea. “Some of the cattle appeared to have been injured by broken fencing around the pens as well,” says Drever. The cattle are currently in the care of the BC SPCA. The investigation continues and charges of animal cruelty are being recommended in the case.