BC SPCA to recommend charges in the death of six Langley dogs - BC SPCA
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BC SPCA to recommend charges in the death of six Langley dogs

May 26, 2014

The BC SPCA announced today it will be recommending charges of animal cruelty against a Lower Mainland dog walker after six dogs died in her care on May 13. Dubbed the “Brookswood Six” by local media, the dogs were initially reported stolen by the dog walker, but on May 18 she admitted that the dogs had died after being left in her vehicle on a hot day.

While the BC SPCA is still completing its report, which will be submitted to Crown counsel within the next few weeks, Marcie Moriarty, chief prevention and enforcement officer for the BC SPCA, said enough evidence has been obtained in the investigation so far to warrant a recommendation for separate charges for each of the six dogs under the Criminal Code of Canada(sections 445(1)(a), 445.1(1)(a) and 446(1)(b)).

“Obviously the ultimate decision about whether or not charges will be laid rests with Crown counsel, but the preliminary necropsy results and other evidence gathered in our investigation so far supports our recommendation,” said Moriarty. She said that the SPCA could not discuss further details of the case at this point, but would be submitting its full report to Crown counsel as quickly as possible.

If you see a dog in a car on a warm or humid day who you believe may be in trouble, ask nearby stores to page customers. If the dog is in distress call our Animal Helpline at 1-855-622-7722. The Animal Helpline is open seven days per week: Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. If it is an animal emergency outside of these hours, please contact your local police department, RCMP or animal control immediately.

Learn more about the danger of leaving animals in hot cars at spca.bc.ca/hotdogs.