BC SPCA Senior Management - Craig Naherniak
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Craig Naherniak, Chief, Social Change

Craig Naherniak, BC SPCA Chief, Social Change, has been involved in the humane movement for more than 29 years. Craig oversees education programming including the Society’s youth magazine, Bark! and programming for youth and teachers. Craig oversaw the Society’s farm animal welfare work including the SPCA Certified program and, for eight years, managed the implementation of the BC SPCA animal welfare and behaviour programs in 35 shelters across B.C.

Craig has a Sociology degree and a Masters in Environmental Studies focusing on human/animal relationships and environmental education. In his past, he has worked with a range of farm animals including operations manager of a commercial hog farm.

He has a pair of cats rescued from Vancouver alleys and a socially challenged community dog from northern B.C. who has taught Craig the true meaning of patience.