After a diverse career in the energy industry, both nationally and internationally, Mark retired from Calgary to the Okanagan in 2016. He quickly joined the Vernon SPCA shelter as he has always been keenly interested in the welfare of animals and saw an opportunity to help out and make improvements to the shelter.
Since then, Mark has been active with the SPCA as a regular dog walker, transferring animals, Regional Council member, supporting the change of community animal by-laws, making shelter capital improvements and maintenance plus regular fund raising and dog fostering.
Having held a variety of leadership roles within conventional and clean technology energy companies, including founder roles in start-ups, Mark has developed a wide range of business, governance and financing skills that he seeks to bring to the Society in the capacity as Regional Director, Thompson, Okanagan and Kootneys region. Mark has visited many areas of BC as well as various SPCA shelters within the region and brings a broad understanding of some of the issues and challenges facing the organization, in particular distributing limited resources to many areas of need.
Mark is a Professional Engineer (P.Eng) , with an Institute of Corporate Directors (ICD.D) certified designation, and has held a range of public, private and not-for profit Director roles over the past 15 years.
Mark and his partner, Rhonda live outside Vernon, with their four dogs, Jozie, Java, Hera and Bella; and yes, all but one of these companions were adopted from shelters.