Presentations, lessons and activities for your class - BC SPCA
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Presentations, lessons and activities for your class

Help your students gain a deeper understanding of their place in the world by exploring the interconnections that exist between animals, humans and the environment.

Class presentations

Invite the BC SPCA into your classroom! For information on the presentations available in your area, and to book a presentation, please select your region below:

Accepting bookings:


Bookings closed for 2023/2024 school year; see you in Fall 2024!


We are pleased to also offer all of our presentations virtually, available to classrooms all across B.C.!


Class lessons & activities

Ready-to-use activities for your class! Designed to meet the B.C. core and curricular competencies, these engaging animal-themed activities for students also contain links to additional resources, plus curricular links for educators to explore.

kids camp

Kindergarten to Grade 2:

Grades 3 to 5:

Grades 6 to 9:

Humane Science Education unit plans

Teacher with two young students using a tablet

These humane science education modules can be used to create classes based on the B.C. Science Curriculum. Recommended virtual anatomy tools are available for each unit.

Frog anatomy (Grades K-6):

Rat anatomy (Grades 5-6):

Pig anatomy (Grade 12):

Human anatomy (Grade 12):