Presentations, lessons and activities for your class - BC SPCA
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Presentations, lessons and activities for your class

Happy brown dog smiling while siting outside

Class presentations

Invite the BC SPCA into your classroom, and help your students gain a deeper understanding of their place in the world by exploring the interconnections that exist between animals, humans and the environment.

Developed around themes of Social-Emotional Learning, Sustainability & Stewardship and Social Responsibility, every presentation includes concepts related to B.C. core curricular competencies and content.




  • In-class presentation: $65
  • Virtual presentation: $45
  • Community group/non-school-based in-person presentation: $75


Please note: If you are interested in booking a presentation for your classroom or community group, but cost represents a barrier, please complete a booking form, and we will be pleased to explore alternate arrangements.

Additionally, please note, some of our presentations are available as one- or three-session experiences. Booking a three-session experience does not affect presentation pricing.

We look forward to connecting with you and your students this school year!

Ready-to-use activities for your class! Designed to meet the B.C. core and curricular competencies, these engaging animal-themed activities for students also contain links to additional resources, plus curricular links for educators to explore.

kids camp

Kindergarten to Grade 2:

Grades 3 to 5:

Grades 6 to 9:

Humane Science Education unit plans

Teacher with two young students using a tablet

These humane science education modules can be used to create classes based on the B.C. Science Curriculum. Recommended virtual anatomy tools are available for each unit.

Frog anatomy (Grades K-6):

Rat anatomy (Grades 5-6):

Pig anatomy (Grade 12):

Human anatomy (Grade 12):

Big news! The BC SPCA is tackling the root causes of animal suffering with our 2025-2030 Strategic Plan.