Happy - BC SPCA
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Meet Happy! This sweet, tri-colour guinea pig and his brother were abandoned, dumped in a ditch in Burnaby. Fortunately, a kind soul found them and brought them to the BC SPCA Richmond Education & Adoption Centre in January 2019.

They were adopted within a month, but returned a few months later, as the owner’s landlord did not allow pets.

As two of the most social guinea pigs the shelter staff had ever met, they quickly found their forever home, and the rest is history.

Happy’s story is recounted here by the guardian who adopted both of the brothers on May 11, 2019:

Happy brings lots of joy to my family. He is a very calm and chill little fellow and gets along with other piggies.

He enjoys eating, napping and playing everyday and he is super cute, and photogenic too!

Yes, he certainly is a handsome fellow and love, cuddles and veggies are what he lives for.

We are grateful to you for choosing to adopt and for making Happy’s life, well…happy!

Guinea Pig caregivers, please take note that the above video is the correct way to bathe a Guinea Pig, but this should only be done as a rare thing, as guinea pigs clean themselves pretty well.

Have you adopted an animal from the BC SPCA and want to share your joy with others? Submit your adoption story!