Rocky and Pixel - BC SPCA
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Rocky and Pixel

In early 2023, two young Flemish Giant rabbits came into our care at the BC SPCA Richmond Community Animal Centre.

Rocky and Pixel were both very handsome rabbits bonded to each other. Of course, they required a guardian who was knowledgeable about the unique care needs of rabbits.

It took over a year405 days, in fact—before Rocky and Pixel finally found a home to call their own.

In June 2024, David came into the shelter and couldn’t resist this bonded bunny pair.

David has been in touch to let us know that Rocky and Pixel have been doing very well in their new home over the past several months. They even just celebrated their second birthday!

Thank you, David, for adopting Rocky and Pixel. We are grateful that you have given them a second chance at life. As much as we enjoyed caring for these lovely rabbits, it warms our hearts to know that their wait was worthwhile. We wish you all many happy moments to come.

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