Chanel - BC SPCA
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On December 24, 2015, this little girl was found alone on a cold street corner in Burnaby. Luckily, someone called us to report her plight.

Immediately, one of our Special Provincial Constables went out to collect her and bring her to the BC SPCA Burnaby Community Animal Centre. From here she was transferred to the BC SPCA Vancouver Community Animal Centre by our Drive for Lives program.

This sweet Shih Tzu Yorkshire Terrier mix may have had a home at one time, but she had no identification and no one called to claim her.

She spent two weeks in one of our loving foster homes, during which time she recovered from a bad cold, was spayed and had dental work.

She was going to make a wonderful companion for one lucky guardian. She so desperately wanted human companionship and was always looking for a warm lap to sit in.

Though we figured she was about eight years old at the time, we were sure that her best days still lay ahead. Sure enough, on January 18, 2016, she left the Vancouver SPCA for her forever home. Here is an update from her grateful guardian:

The day I adopted Chanel was one of the best days of my life. I’m a senior and so is she, so we are growing old together.

At the Vancouver SPCA, she was nicknamed Velcro because she would stick to the person that picked her up. They gave her to me with a little shirt that said “Chanel“ on it . That name stuck.

She was quite thin when I got her, probably from stress as she was found Christmas Eve, 2015 just running the streets obviously lost and scared. She didn’t have any ID on her, plus she needed dental care and spaying, which the BC SPCA did before adoption.

From day one she has been a delight and the love of my life. I’m truly blessed to have her.

She has two friends in my complex, a Havanese and a Bijon, both white dogs. Chanel is black and white and they play and chase each other until they’re exhausted!

I don’t know her exact age. The BC SPCA thought she might be eight so we are in our seventh year and she might be around fourteen.

She loves everybody and is the delight of all my friends and family. Life is great with this little seven-pound ball of fur!

We may never know why Chanel was alone on the street but thanks to you, her story changed from heartbreaking to heartwarming. We couldn’t imagine a better match.

Thank you so much for choosing to adopt and to adopt a senior. Seniors make great pets, and great animal guardians.

Have you adopted an animal from the BC SPCA and want to share your joy with others? Submit your adoption story!

Big news! The BC SPCA is tackling the root causes of animal suffering with our 2025-2030 Strategic Plan.