Peaches - BC SPCA
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Not only are our pets a source of inspiration in our own lives, but they can also inspire us to help others.

When Judy heard about the BC SPCA rescuing 45 Havanese dogs from a breeder on Vancouver Island, it broke her heart.

A month later, she met Peaches, one of the Havanese dogs at the BC SPCA Cowichan & District Branch in May 2018. She knew she had to help. Soon, Peaches was on her way to her new life with Judy and Ron. But Judy’s support did not end there.

Drawing inspiration from her companionship with Peaches, Judy has been developing an organization to help others in her community, and her passion is nothing short of motivational.

Judy has now shared her story with us, and we love seeing just how much they adore Peaches:

Ron and I adopted Peaches from the BC SPCA Cowichan Valley & District Branch. She was one of the 45 Havanese dogs the BC SPCA rescued from a Cobble Hill breeder back in April 2018. She came from horrible surroundings.

Now, Peaches is strongly cared for and she lives in a very loving home with her friends, Rusty the Havanese, Marley the Golden Retriever and of course her mom Judy and dad Ron.

This beautiful little dog is now the mascot of a new program called Peaches for Pets, which helps pet owners in Cobble Hill, Mill Bay and Shawnigan Lake. Peaches helps with vet bills, spay and neuter programs, pet medicine and more.

Her goal is to keep other dogs from suffering like she did at the beginning of her life. Peaches is making a difference.

Thank you, Judy and Ron, for choosing adoption as your first option. We are thrilled that Peaches has such a loving family and a second chance at the wonderful life she deserves. We are so proud to hear about the impact she is making in your lives and in her community.

Have you adopted an animal from the BC SPCA and want to share your joy with others? Submit your adoption story!

Big news! The BC SPCA is tackling the root causes of animal suffering with our 2025-2030 Strategic Plan.