Peaches - BC SPCA
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When unwanted litters happen, we are grateful that citizens bring animals to us, instead of abandoning them. That’s what happened on June 16, 2023 when someone in Salmon Arm surrendered eight seven-week-old Coonhound/Walker mix puppies to the BC SPCA Shuswap Community Animal Centre. Adorable Peaches was one of this normal, healthy litter.

Eight little ones is a lot to arrive at a busy shelter at one time, so some of them, including Peaches, were transferred to the nearby BC SPCA East Kootenay Community Animal Centre and some went straight into foster care after their initial exam and vaccinations, while they awaited their spays or neuters.

By July 30, at the age of three months, Peaches had found her new forever family. They have written us to provide an update:

“My partner and I made the best decision of our lives this summer when we adopted Peaches. She has made our family whole and lives up to the sweetness of a peach!

Her sassy, cuddly and unique personality really lights up our lives. Her curiosity and wonder helps us see the world in a new light. She gets us out in nature and enjoying the little things.

We are growing and learning together as a family. I’m an artist, and she rests at my feet while I paint, providing the sweetest companionship and inspiration.

We highly recommend adopting from the BC SPCA. They take care of everything and make bringing home a little companion a breeze. I’m proud that we were able to give back to a great cause and give Peaches a loving home.

We are looking forward to many more years of love in our little family thanks to Peaches and the BC SPCA.”

Thank YOU for choosing to adopt Peaches. We are happy to know that she will now experience the safety and joy of an enriched life in the loving care of her family. We wish you all the best in the years to come.

Have you adopted an animal from the BC SPCA and want to share your joy with others? Submit your adoption story!

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