Maverick - BC SPCA
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On June 22, 2023, our Animal Protection Officers answered a call that led to 36 cats and kittens being seized from a property in Vernon. Ten-week-old Maverick was among them.

Sadly, some of them were too sick to be saved. The rest were moved by our Drive for Lives program to shelters and foster homes across the province that had room to care for them. Maverick pulled through serious dehydration, a respiratory infection, parasites and a bad eye infection before he found his way to his perfect match on July 7, 2023.

Read on to find out how he’s doing now:

“We adopted Maverick from the BC SPCA Kelowna Community Animal Centre. He only took 24 hours to warm up, and ever since has been so loving! He greets us at the door after work and instantly wants cuddles. He LOVES play time and can and will play for hours.

His favourite thing to do is climb up his cat tree and jump as far as possible. We’ve also discovered he loves water! He jumps in the bath tub and plays around in it. If you try to wash your face or some dishes he joins you in the sink.

Maverick is the sweetest little boy. He loves people and animals and is never shy to introduce himself. He trusts us so much now and has no problem with us cleaning his eye.

The only challenge we faced with him is his eye infection but we brought him to the vet and he was amazing! He was very patient and has no problem with his eye drops. He also doesn’t understand his leash yet, but he loves ‘trying’ to walk with his harness on.

If anyone is thinking of adopting, I 100% encourage it! It may be a little daunting at first, but I’ve never loved something so much in my life as much as I love him. He’s my best friend now and always wants to be close.

I wouldn’t trade Maverick for anything in the world. I’m so excited to have him as my companion for the rest of his life!”

We’re willing to bet Maverick wouldn’t trade his situation for anything, either! You’ve given him the safe and loving home that all companion animals deserve.

Thank you for choosing to adopt. We wish you many more years of health and happiness together.

Have you adopted an animal from the BC SPCA and want to share your joy with others? Submit your adoption story!

Resources for cat guardians

Caring for cats

How do I know if my cat loves me?

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