Coraline & Vincenzo - BC SPCA
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Coraline & Vincenzo

These two healthy little darlings were surrendered to the BC SPCA Cowichan Community Animal Centre on August 3, 2023 as an unwanted litter. They were eight weeks old, just old enough to be separated from their mom.

They weren’t with us for many days before they caught the attention of a family looking to provide them with a good forever home. They wrote to share an update:

“In the summer of 2023, my family’s home was feeling empty after the passing of our senior cat, Cookie. So I went onto the BC SPCA website to see if there were any available cats looking for a place to call home.

I came across these two adorable all black kittens named Pebbles and BamBam. The moment I saw them, I knew they would complete our family. Shortly after putting in an application, I got the phone call that I could come meet them.

They were eight-week-old tiny fluffs of happiness. A bit shy at first but they warmed up quickly. That’s when I began the foster-to-adopt process since they had not been spayed or neutered yet.

When we got home and got to see the personalities of the little boy and girl come to light, the names Coraline and Vincenzo were much more fitting. On the first of September, they got fixed and I was officially able to adopted them into our family!

Over the last five months, Coraline and Vincenzo have grown, played and been spoiled! They’re always zooming around the house chasing each other and even chasing the dogs at times.

The little lady, Cora, loves to sit on the shoulders of whoever picks her up. Big boy Vinny loves to wear bow ties when guests come over to show off how handsome he is.

These two have an unbreakable bond between them. They love to snuggle, eat together and clean one another. Their favourite pastime is sitting together on their window ledge, watching the birds feed.

I am blessed to say these wonderful cats are a part of my family.”

Thank you for choosing to adopt these tiny beauties together. As you noted, they have all the signs of being a true bonded pair. You are sure to have not a dull moment in your home for years to come. Enjoy!

Have you adopted an animal from the BC SPCA and want to share your joy with others? Submit your adoption story!

Resources for cat guardians

Caring for cats

How do I know if my cat loves me?

Indoor cats vs. outdoor cats