Chico - BC SPCA
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This handsome Catahoula leopard dog mix was brought to the BC SPCA Williams Lake & District Branch on July 20, 2019, when someone discovered that he had been left behind in the backyard a rental unit. He was skinny and his teeth and ears needed attention.

When he turned up at the shelter, he was very afraid and defensive and hesitant to be handled. His ears and tail were down and he was unable to make eye contact with staff.

But shelter staff did not give up on him. They transferred him to the BC SPCA Quesnel & District Branch, where he could be assessed by our animal behaviour experts.

Staff and volunteers worked with him daily, providing confident, calm, consistent handling to teach him how to trust and let his personality shine.

Just over a month of behaviour modification rehabilitated this beautiful dog into a wonderful pet for the right family.

Happily, Chico found that right family on August 24, 2019.

Enjoy this update from his forever guardians:

Chico has brightened our lives with his goofy, crazy personality. With three proper introductions to our chickens, Chico learned fast that our birds were part of the pack. He loves caring for our chickens now.

He looks forward to going for his morning walks with his new pal, my son’s female dog, Lola. Chico is my walking friend and alarm clock in the morning.

He loves staying at my son’s home, where he visits with Lola. The two dogs wrestle and play with plush toys in a tug of war.

Chico has made our lives full of laughter and we are so happy to have him. He is very smart and wants to please us all the time. He loves to eat and is learning not to be a piggy.

You see Chico’s development in the photos, from a frightened, abandoned pup to a confident, happy family member. You’ve given him the gift of trust in a real home where he can blossom. Thank you so much for making adoption your first option.

Have you adopted an animal from the BC SPCA and want to share your joy with others? Submit your adoption story!



Big news! The BC SPCA is tackling the root causes of animal suffering with our 2025-2030 Strategic Plan.