The deep connections between people, animals and the environment have always been there, but now they are gaining much-needed recognition around the world, including here at the BC SPCA. The One Health/One Welfare approach recognizes that the health and well-being of animals, people and the planet are closely intertwined, and that we need to connect animal welfare, human health and social support and environmental stewardship.
Examples of One Health and One Welfare in action:
The One Health approach shows that more strictly controlling the exotic animals imported, bred and sold in B.C. would benefit people, animals and the environment by:
- Preventing animal suffering and death,
- Protecting wild populations and ecosystems in source countries,
- Protecting people and other animals from injury and disease, and
- Preventing local ecosystem impacts from exotics that escape or are released in B.C.
The One Welfare approach shows that we can better identify and prevent both domestic violence and animal abuse by:
- Recognizing that people who harm animals are more likely to mistreat vulnerable people (and vice versa),
- Educating animal welfare and human social service providers about this violence link, and
- Encouraging cross-reporting of abuse between sectors.
Our province and our communities are facing increasingly complex public and mental health, animal welfare, biodiversity, infectious disease, climate change and environmental challenges.
Ignoring the connections between people, the ecosystems we live in and the animals we share this province with will only create more problems, which is why we’ve asked B.C.’s political parties to commit to evaluating issues, decisions and policies through a One Health/One Welfare lens to find holistic, interdisciplinary solutions that benefit everyone.
Will you advocate for solutions that recognize we’re all connected?
Please share this campaign and ask others to sign up to demonstrate their support. Campaign supporters will receive tools to help them advocate directly to their local candidates before the October 19 provincial election. Remember, your vote is their voice!