Where would you like your dog to pee and poop outdoors? Here’s 3 steps to help train your dog. To prepare, decide on the area and have lots of special treats ready to give him every time he goes in his area.
1.) Management
Prevent any opportunities for your dog or puppy to have an accident in your home by keeping him with you on a leash, or crate him when you can’t be there to supervise. Control his environment as much as possible.
Puppy house training tips:
- Pups need to go outside more often than adult dogs.
- Try to get them out every hour or two so they don’t have accidents
What to do if you’re not home:
- Make sure he’s been outside before you go and has an empty bladder.
- Confine him in a crate or dog proof room.
- Manage him like this in the house for at least three weeks.
2.) Train your dog where to go
Start a routine of visiting an area you do want him to pee and poo in.
- Visit this area in the morning, after meals, and before bedtime.
- Go with him to the area. Yes, every time!
- When he pees or poos in the area say “yes” and reward him with a yummy treat.
- Reward him every time he goes outside.
3.) Loosen up & interrupt
No accidents for two weeks? Now loosen up your management in the house. If your dog or pup starts to go interrupt him with ‘Uh Uh’ and redirect him to outside. Don’t scare him, just a gentle oops. Don’t forget to reward him for doing his business outside.
- If your dog has an accident during the three weeks ignore it. Clean it up when he’s in the other room.
- Remember they don’t pee and poo in the house on purpose. We have to teach them when and where to go and make it worth their while.
- Do not punish your dog even if it’s only 10 seconds after the accident. This is ineffective and abusive and your dog will learn to instead – be afraid of you.
- If your house trained dog starts to have accidents get a veterinarian checkup. Make sure there are no medical concerns.