Weevil - BC SPCA
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Just six months old in August 2019, Weevil was surrendered to the BC SPCA Kelowna Branch because she made herself known as a notorious escape artist.

Several days later, Tina came into the shelter to adopt a new feline friend. Aware of Weevil’s history, Tina was determined to make her the happiest kitty she could be.

Ever since Tina adopted her, Weevil has not felt the need to plot any escape. In fact, Weevil’s life is now full of adventure and fun, so why would she want to flee?

It has now been a year since Weevil entered her new home, and Tina has written to us with an update:

Weevil has brought an incredible amount of happiness into my life over the past year. I’m so grateful to have found her.

She was shy and quiet when I first met her in the shelter. I thought it would take some time for her to adjust, but as soon as I got her home it was like flicking a switch.

Weev is very affectionate when she wants to be and is always up for playtime. She has many toys to play with but her favourite is chasing a small plastic whiffle ball around the entire house. I quickly learned these had to be put away overnight as it became a regular 4:00 am wake-up call.

Weevil was flagged to be an escape artist. I paid close attention when going in and out of the doors. However, I never found this to be an issue.

I could tell she was very intrigued by the outside world. I started taking her out for walks around the property on a harness and leash. She absolutely loved being outside so I started letting her out on her own this spring and summer.

Weevil would spend all day outside because she felt there was too much to see and didn’t want to miss out on anything. I have since started to bring her in and close the door for naptime—otherwise, she runs herself ragged.

She has befriended the two cats next door. It’s so cute to watch them follow each other around the yards, playing together. Her face is full of pure joy after coming in from outside. She is so incredibly happy.

Over the past year, Weev has definitely gotten comfortable with her surroundings and life here in her new forever home.

As I do not have kids, Weev is my fur baby and I just love to spoil her. I have built her a jungle gym on my living room wall with an endless supply of balls and feathery toys.

She no longer has early morning play sessions. Instead, she sleeps in the middle of the bed all night long. What we do for our fur babies!

I just wanted to share a bit about her with you all, since today is our one-year adoption day anniversary. Weevil has come a long way and she is such an amazing companion.

Thank you, BC SPCA, for connecting us and allowing me to share my life with this beauty.

Thank you, Tina, for adopting Weevil and giving her the life she always wanted. She is clearly thrilled with her new lifestyle. We are proud of how she has grown and matured already. Weevil will forever be grateful to you for providing her with such a loving and fulfilling home.

Have you adopted an animal from the BC SPCA and want to share your joy with others? Submit your adoption story!


Big news! The BC SPCA is tackling the root causes of animal suffering with our 2025-2030 Strategic Plan.