Sometimes, it’s all about timing. Having only just finished her training to become a foster volunteer at the BC SPCA Vernon Community Animal Centre, Kari was ready to help the animals in need.
It didn’t take long for Kari to fall head over heels for two sweet dogs, Ruby and Rosy. They both needed some time to take care of their medical issues and Kari was with them every step of the way.
Then, in December 2021, Ruby and Rosy were officially ready to join their forever guardian.
Kari welcomed them both into her life with open arms and hasn’t looked back since. A couple months on, she has written to us with their story:
“I had just completed the fostering course material for the BC SPCA when a couple weeks later, Dog 6 and Dog 7 came into my life.
They had been seized from a breeder along with 15 other dogs. They were so scared on the first day I received them that they wouldn’t come out of their crate. Eventually, I coaxed them out and saw how beautiful they were!
I had to wear PPE equipment for the first couple months until their health concerns were addressed. It was hard not to cuddle with them, but the cuddling has not stopped ever since they were medically cleared.
I named them Ruby and Rosy. When they came became available for adoption I jumped at the chance to have them in my life forever.
Rosy is the snuggly one and Ruby is the joker in the family. They adore each other and play themselves into exhaustion, sleep, poop, eat and start all over again.
Ruby is apprehensive with new people but has come a long way since she first came into my life. The BC SPCA Vernon Community Animal Centre provided me with a plan on how to help Ruby overcome her nervousness with strangers.
I also started training both Ruby and Rosy. I’m certain we can work towards gaining Ruby’s trust and confidence in herself. These girls have improved and changed my life so much that I can’t imagine being without them.
I am so grateful to the BC SPCA for trusting me and allowing me to take in animals until they find their forever homes. I’m looking forward to fostering more little ones in the future.”
Thank you, Kari, for not only devoting your time as a foster, but also adopting Ruby and Rosy. We’re thrilled with how well they are already settling into their new lives with you. We are grateful to all our foster volunteers for being so dependable and making a huge difference in the lives of our animals until they’re ready for their forever homes—even if they have already found their forever home with their foster after all.
Have you adopted an animal from the BC SPCA and want to share your joy with others? Submit your adoption story!