When Nugget came into our care in July 2014, we knew he would make a difference in the world.
Fortunately, the perfect guardian came along to help Nugget flourish in his community. When Stuart met Nugget, he was instantly taken with Nugget’s soft nature.
Stuart’s family fell for this gentle giant, and they couldn’t leave the BC SPCA Vancouver Community Animal Centre without him.
Nugget seamlessly fit right in to his new family. Nine years later, Stuart has shared their story:
“In 2014, Nugget was surrendered by a loving family for the primary reason of his propensity to chase the livestock on the farm.
My family and I were fortunate enough to adopt Nugget almost immediately after he arrived at the BC SPCA Vancouver Community Animal Centre.
Nugget was surprisingly timid in the city, so he was mentored and showed the ropes of city life. Regardless, Nugget remained gentle and kind, for which my daughter playfully named his Instagram account, @thediaryofawimpydog.
He easily and seamlessly integrated into our household.
After a few years passed, I wanted to share Nugget’s chill temperament with people outside of my neighbourhood. So, with the support from Pets and Friends, Nugget became a certified therapy dog in 2017.
We make regular visits to Mount Saint Joseph Hospital where he gets hugs and belly rubs from patients, staff, nurses and doctors. Recently, Nugget was honoured by receiving his five-year-long service award from Providence Health Care.
Rescue dogs are so grateful to get second chances. Nugget has changed my life and my priorities. More importantly, he has enriched the lives of those who have crossed his path.
Angels are sent to us ‘hoomans’ in all forms: Nugget is one for sure. Life is pawsome!”
Thank you to you and your family, Stuart, for adopting Nugget. We are thrilled to hear about how you have helped him reach his full potential over the past nine years. Our dogs are such special creatures. It is so heartwarming that Nugget has provided support in his own way to his community. Thank you to your family for giving Nugget all the love he deserves.
Have you adopted an animal from the BC SPCA and want to share your joy with others? Submit your adoption story!
Resources for dog guardians
How do I welcome a new dog home?
Tips for 5 common dog training challenges